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- Articles on the radiology of silicotuberculosis
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- Chest Radiographs Showing Features Of Silicosis And Tuberculosis, And Tuberculosis In Silica Exposed Individuals
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- Radiographs
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- Short Guide On How
- Short Guide On the radiologic features of silicosis and silicotuberculosis (combined disease)
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- Articles on the radiology of silicotuberculosis #3
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- Chest Radiographs Showing Features Of Silicosis And Tuberculosis, And Tuberculosis In Silica Exposed Individuals #3
- Links To Free Online Training Courses On The Diagnosis Of Silicosis, And To The ILO International Classification Of Radiographs Of Pneumoconioses #2 #2
- Links To Free Online Training Courses On The Diagnosis Of Silicosis, And To The ILO International Classification Of Radiographs Of Pneumoconioses #3
- Notable features #2
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- Category: Bio-aerosol Exposure in the Workplace
- Occupational Health and Safety Challenges/exposures of Informal Workers in Varying Communities in Gauteng
- Assessment of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Technology (UVGI) for Controlling Airborne Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB) Exposure In Healthcare Facilities In South Africa
- Allergic Sensitization and Work-related Asthma Among Poultry Workers in South Africa
- Microbial Levels on the Hands of Theatre Staff in Three Johannesburg Hospitals
- Concentrations Of Natural Rubber Allergens In Gloves Used By Health Professionals In South Africa
- Work Related Asthma Associated With Endotoxin Exposure In Dental Workers In South Africa
- Detection Of Latex Aero-allergens In Dental Schools
- Detection Of Airborne Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (phase 1): Quantitative Measurement
- Category: Disease Specific Reports
- Cerebrovascular Related Disease NOMS Report 2013 – 2015
- Hematological Disorders NOMS Report 2013 – 2015
- Interpersonal Violence NOMS Report 2013 – 2015
- Liver Disease NOMS Report 2013 – 2015
- Road Injuries NOMS Report 2013 – 2015
- TB NOMS report 31 March 2021
- Renal Disease NOMS report 31 March 2021
- IHD NOMS report 31 March 2021
- Hypertension NOMS report 31 March 2021
- HIV NOMS report 31 March 2021
- Diabetes NOMS report 31 March 2021
- Asthma NOMS report 31 March 2021
- Category: Dr Sophia Kisting
- Category: Newsletters
- NIOH OccuZone newsletter, Volume 6. Issue 2
- NIOH OccuZone newsletter, Volume 6. Issue 1
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- NIOH OccuZone newsletter, Volume 5. Issue 2
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 4 Issue 5 July 2023
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 4 Issue 4 May 2023
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 4 Issue 3 March 2023
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 4 Issue 2 November 2022
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 4 Issue 1 July 2022
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 3 Issue 4 April 2022 edition
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 3 Issue 3 January 2022
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 3 Issue 2 October 2021 edition
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 3 Issue 1 July 2021 edition
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 2 Issue 4 April 2021
- NIOH OccuZone Vol 2 Issue 3 January 2021
- NIOH OccuZone Volume 2 Issue 2 October 2020
- NIOH OccuZone Newsletter – Vol2 Issue 1 July 2020
- NIOH OccuZone Newsletter – Volume 1 Issue 4 April 2020
- NIOH OccuZone Newsletter – Volume 1 Issue 3 January 2020
- NIOH OccuZone Newsletter – Volume 1 Issue 2 October 2019
- NIOH OccuZone Newsletter – Volume 1 Issue 1 July 2019
- Category: Newsroom
- Fungal Awareness Week
- Covid-19 opened the door to a neglected and undervalued occupational health sector
- COVID-19 Factsheets for Workplaces
- COVID-19 Training Schedule: Week 16-19 March
- COVID-19 Guidance on how to get your workplace ready
- Interpreting surveillance data is key to occupational health and safety
- NIOH expert gives keynote address at South Africa’s first Nanotechnology Symposium
- Occupational health resolutions for 2020
- NIOH discusses research with Environmental Affairs Minister at Plastics Colloquium
- NIOH hosts successful Webster Day 2019
- Category: nomsa
- Category: Occupational Respiratory Allergy Surveillance Report
- Category: Occupational Skin Allergy Surveillance Repor
- Category: Occupational Surveillance Report
- Category: Scientific Publications
- Changes In The Free Amino Acid Concentration In Rhodnius Prolixus Stal Haemolymph From Feeding To Ecdysis
- A Study Of The Chemical Composition And Potential Hazards Of An Antifoam Substance Used In Intracardiac Surgery
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1960
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1961
- A study of the chemical composition and potential hazards of an antifoam substance used in intracardiac surgery
- Changes in the free amino acid concentration in rhodnius prolixus stal haemolymph from feeding to ecdysis
- Diffuse pleural mesotheliomas in South Africa
- Diffuse pleural mesotheliomas in South Africa
- Formation of histamine and histamine-like substances from histidine by quartz dust
- Pneumoconiosis – a review. Transactions of the Seventh Commonwealth mining and metallurgical congress. Johannesburg
- Primary mural endocardial disease. A discussion of the condition and a report of a case in a white male aged 54 years
- Primary mural endocardial diseases
- Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis (caplan’s syndrome)
- The effect of silica particles on esterase and acid phosphatase in macrophages
- The feeding of alanine to rhodnius prolixus
- The mycobacterium isolated from the dassie procavia capensis (pallas)
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1962
- A review of some of the problems found in the pathology of the pneumoconioses
- Bronchial wall lesions in South African miners
- Chemical studies on asbestos and their possible contribution to the problems of asbestosis and the associated malignancies. (Abstract)
- Die toepassing van die bekende patologie van longvate en van die alveolus-membraan in emfiseem en cor pulmonale
- Evaluation of experimental methods in the determination of the fibrogenic action of dusts. I – The intratracheal method
- Experimental production of mesothelial tumours of the pleura by implantation of dusts in laboratory animals
- Histochemical demonstration of hyaluronic acid in pleural mesotheliomas
- Natural occurrence of amino acids in virgin crocidolite asbestos and banded ironstone
- Occurrence of oils containing 3:4-Benzpyrene and related substances in asbestos
- Properdin levels in the sera of rabbits exposed to a silica dust cloud
- The complement fixation, haemagglutination and precipitin tests in monkeys with silicotic lesions
- The pathology of asbestos in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1963
- A possible origin of the primitive oils and amino acids isolated from amphibole asbestos and banded ironstone
- A quantitative study of free amino acids in serum and lung tissue of normal guinea pigs
- An autopsy survey of Bantu South African coal miners
- Antifoam materials: their use in intra-cardiac surgery
- Asbestosis in experimental animals
- Asbestosis in non-experimental animals in South Africa
- Changes in activities of respiratory enzymes in lungs of guinea-pigs exposed to silica dust
- Congenital dilatation of the pulmonary lymphatics
- Evaluation of experimental methods in the determination of the fibrogenic dusts. II The subcutaneous method
- Industrial cancer in South Africa
- Natural occurrence of amino-acids in dolomitic limestones containing algal growths
- Silicosis in South African White gold miners: A comparative study of the disease in its different stages
- Some biological actions of silica: their part in the pathogenesis of silicosis
- Some lipid constituents of normal and quartz-dusted guinea pig lungs
- Studies on silica shock in the rabbit II – the possibility of release of “contract factor” by colloidal silica, and vasoconstruction or pulmonary embolism as the cause of death.
- Studies on silica shock in the rabbit. I – The phenomenon, the apparent specificity of colloidal silica in producing it, and protection against shock by various agents
- The corrosion of aluminium foil by merthiolate, a preservative for serum
- The detection of hyaluronic acid in pleural fluids of cases with diffuse pleural mesotheliomas
- The effect of the inhalation of mine water aerosol on guinea pigs
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1964
- A pathological-radiological correlation in 108 cases of asbestosis proved at post-mortem
- A radiological survey of the forearms of 600 South African gold miners
- A simple device for gravimetric sampling
- A study of the state of the heart in the white South African gold miner
- Asbestosis
- Biochemistry of lungs in relation to silicosis: II – The effect of quartz dust on the protein amino acids of guinea pig lung tissue
- Calcified pleural plaques in asbestosis: An investigation into their significance
- Changes in activities of respiratory enzymes in lungs of guinea pigs exposed to silica dust. III. Progressive effect on the succinate oxidase system of dust contained in the lung after cessation of dust inhalation.
- Changes in activities of respiratory enzymes in lungs of guinea pigs exposed to silica dust. III. Progressive effect on the succinate oxidase system of dust contained in the lung after cessation of dust inhalation
- Changes in the activities of respiratory enzymes in lungs of guinea pigs exposed to silica dust. II. Comparison of the effects of quartz dust and lampblack on the succinate oxidase system
- Chemical analysis in silicosis research
- Free amino acids in quartz-dusted guinea pigs
- Solid pulmonary artery
- Studies of hydrocarbons found associated with various mineral dusts: examination for oils containing 3,4-benz-pyrene and related hydrocarbons
- Studies of hydrocarbons on mineral dusts: the elution of 3:4 Benzpyrene and oils from asbestos and coal dusts by serum
- Studies on silica shock in the rabbit. II – The possibility of release of “contact factor” by colloidal silica and vasoconstriction or pulmonary embolism as the cause of death
- The International classification of radiographs of the pneumoconioses based on the findings in 100 diseased white South African gold miners. An evaluation
- The prediction of maximum oxygen uptake (aerobic capacity) with special reference to radiological heart area and thoracic area.
- The reaction of reduced glutathione with quartz powder and with associated iron and copper
- The redox properties of quartz, some of its derivatives, and other dusts: their possible implication in the genesis of the pneumoconioses
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1965
- A post mortem contrast method to study the bronchi, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial arteries
- Preliminary experiments on the effect of persantin on the animal heart
- Some biologically active substances produced by the action of silica and their possible significance
- Asbestosis in South Africa – certain geographical and environmental considerations
- The determination of the degree of emphysema on autopsy material
- Changes in the activities of enzymes in the lungs of guinea pigs exposed to inhalation of silica dust. IV. The effect of quartz dust on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-linked oxidase systems and on ATP-ase
- Mesotheliomatous tumours in South Africa: pathology and experimental pathology
- Radiological and pathological correlations in asbestosis in the republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom. I. A proposed radiological classification of asbestosis
- Studies in the metabolism of fungi Part II. A viscometric method for the assay of the ensyme hydrolysing the 1,4-�-glucosidic linkage in cellulose (Cx-Enzyme)
- Work speed as a measure of an equivalent exercise stress in subjects of different weights
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1966
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1967
- A report of the work of pneumoconiosis research unit
- A survey of pulmonary function in male office workers
- Asbestos – the lethal dust: letters to the editor
- Bird breeder’s (fancier’s) lung
- Chronic bronchitis in miners and non-miners: an epidemiological survey of a community in the gold-mining area in the Transvaal
- Some biologically active substances produced by the action of silica and their possible significance
- The fibrogenic effect of various South African mineral dusts on the lungs of experimental animals
- Ventilatory function in relation to mining experience and smoking in a random sample of miners and non-miners in a Witwatersrand town
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1968
- Pneumoconiosis in chromite miners in South Africa
- The capacity for physical work of the white miners in South Africa II. the rates of oxygen consumption during a step test
- The capacity for physical work of the white miners in South Africa. I. the effects of age, weight and height of miners
- UICC standard reference samples of asbestos
- UICC standard reference samples of asbestos
- Ventilatory function in males in a Witwatersrand town: comparison between smokers and non-smokers
- The pathology of pigeon handler’s lung. (abstract)
- A report of the work of the pneumoconiosis research unit
- An inhibitor of protein biosynthesis in rough and smooth membranes of rat liver endoplasmic reticulum
- Asbestos: a bibliography of the world’s literature abstracted and indexed. 1960-1968
- Characterisation of RNA from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of rat liver
- Experimental model systems of pneumoconiosis I – the effect of dusts on subcutaneous sponge implants in the rat
- Experimental model systems of pneumoconiosis II. the effect of direct and intravenous injection of silica on the rat liver
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1969
- A pilot audiometric survey of white Witwatersrand gold miners
- A report of the work of the pneumoconiosis research unit
- Dust – recent developments in Australia, USA, Canada, Great Britain and South Africa by DG Beadle
- Dust – Recent developments in Australia, USA, Canada, Great Britain and South Africa
- Hyperostosis corticalis infantalis (caffey’s disease)
- Notes on the paper chromatographic method for determination of phospholipids
- Problems associated with the pathogenesis and complications following on asbestos exposure
- Silicosis in South African gold mines
- The capacity for physical work of white miners in South Africa. Part III. the maximum oxygen intakes of normal miners and miners with cardiorespiratory diseases
- The radiology of asbestosis
- The radiology of occupational disease
- The relationship between the amount of dust breathed and the incidence of silicosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1970
- A Report of the work of the pneumoconiosis research unit
- Allergic diathesis in relation to chronic bronchitis
- Asbestosis in South African asbestos miners
- Cell membranes in the pathogenesis of silicosis
- Electron diffraction techniques for identifying airborne fibres
- Enzyme studies in pneumoconiosis
- Lung function in silicosis in South African goldminers
- Mixed dust fibrosis in mineworkers
- Radiological features of diffuse mesothelioma
- Radiology of asbestosis
- Respiratory manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis
- The computation of nitrogen clearance of the lungs
- The in vitro hydroxylation of proline by silica powder
- The relationship between weight and height of South African males of European descent, between the ages of 20 and 60 years
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1971
- A study of vectorcardiography
- Chemical analysis of guinea pig and rabbit alveolar macrophages after exposure to quartz dust
- Electron diffraction patterns of UICC asbestos samples
- Electron microscopical techniques in pneumoconiosis research
- Electrophoretic patterns of red-cell membrane from various mammalian species
- Lung cancer and exposure to radon daughters in South African gold/uranium mines
- Massive fibrosis in asbestosis
- Mixed dust fibrosis in mineworkers
- Peridometric studies of inclusion structures found in alveolar macrophages
- Preparation of the UICC standard reference samples of asbestos
- The vitalograph – a study of its role in pulmonary function testing in childhood
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1972
- Acute pleurisy in asbestos exposed persons
- Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis in South Africa
- Does quartz disrupt membranes by peroxidation? (Abstract)
- Electron microscopy of lung in niemann-pick disease
- Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
- Lung surfactant – a natural detergent
- Mucociliary activity in mammalian airways. (Abstract)
- Mucus transport in the tracheobronchial tree of normal and bronchitic rats
- Necrotizing enterocolitis in older infants
- Periodic medical examination of senior staff: review of a management group
- Pneumoconiosis in South Africa
- Preparation of the UICC standard reference samples of asbestos
- Scanning electron microscopy of rat tracheal epithelium
- The emulsifying properties of egg yolk phosphatidycholine
- The organization of ciliary activity and mucus transport in pulmonary airways
- Traumatic lung
- UICC/Cincinnati classification of the radiographic appearances of pneumoconiosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1973
- A method of solubilizing human erythrocyte membrane proteins using mersalyl
- A new bronchodilator, hexoprenaline in obstructive pulmonary disease
- Airborne fibres in the Johannesburg atmosphere
- Amosite and crocidolite mining and milling as causes of asbestosis
- An evaluation of needle punch biopsy specimens in the diagnosis of diffuse lung disease
- An insoluble fibrogenic factor in macrophages from guinea pigs exposed to silica
- Asbestos and malignancy
- Chest radiography at 200 kV
- Discussion summary
- Effect of exposure to quartz dust in vivo on pentose cycle activity in guinea pig lung
- Fungus diseases in Southern Africa
- Malignancy in relation to crocidolite and amosite
- Some aspects concerning amphibian protein yolk structure
- The effect of silica dust on the phospholipid metabolism of macrophages
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1974
- The role of selective B2 -adrenoceptor stimulants in the control of ciliary activity
- The South African Medical Research Council: review of the organisation and its first 5 years
- The use of nonhuman primates in pneumoconiosis and other industrial disease research
- A superficial survey of lung pathology
- Cadmium and cobalt in tea and coffee and their relationship to cardiovascular disease
- Factors that influence simple lung function tests with special reference to ethnic factors
- Identification of atmospheric dust particles by microprobe analysis
- New standards for electrocardiograms of adult males without evidence of cardiac hypertrophy
- Occupational Cancer
- Peroxidative action of quartz in relation to membrane lysis
- Problems associated with the microprobe analysis of biological materials
- Serum uric acid concentrations in an urbanized South African Negro population
- The electrocardiogram in isolated right ventricular hypertrophy due to chronic respiratory disease
- The electrocardiogram of combined ventricular hypertrophy of the heart
- The identification and structural analysis of viral particles in serum hepatitis
- The ingestion of asbestos fibres
- The metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene in rat liver microsomes: the effect of asbestos-associated metal ions and pH
- The morphology of mucus in mammalian pulmonary airways
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1975
- Fine-needle aspiration cytopathology in breast disease
- The effect of chronic exposure to quartz and asbestos dust on lung ultrastructure
- A study of the binding of colloidal silica to intact human erythrocytes
- Detection of iron in phagolysosomes of macrophages from lungs
- Effect of particle size on absorption of inhaled lead
- Forced expiratory volume and expiratory flow rate in black miners and in a control group
- Immunologic studies in patients with recurrent bronchopulmonary infections
- Linear working graphs in blood lead determinations with the Beckman Flameless Atomic Absorption Cuvet
- Surface characteristics of macrophages following exposure to dust
- Techniques used in 25 years of quantitative ion exchange chromatography of amino acids
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1976
- A comparison of sampling methods for airborne bacteria
- Continued marketing of skin-lightening preparations containing mercury. (Letter)
- Control of asbestos-exposed workers in South Africa
- Cowan I strain of staphylococcus aureus as a marker for receptor sites on alveolar macrophages
- Epidemiological studies on asbestos-exposed workers in South Africa
- Linearization of calibration curves with the HGA-72 flameless cuvette for the determination of lead in blood
- Methods for mass processing pathology specimens
- Microprobe and image analyses of inclusion bodies in alveolar macrophages
- Microprobe determination of colloidal silica bound to individual alveolar macrophages mounted on a thin standard
- Peritoneal transfer of thiamphenicol during peritoneal dialysis
- Presence and identification of fibres in the atmosphere of Milan
- Serum uric acid concentrations in Xhosa community in the Transkei of Southern Africa
- The determination of microgram amounts of collagen metabolites in the urine of primates inhaling silica dust
- The in vitro effect of zinc and other metal ions on the activity of human erythrocyte aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase
- The in vitro effect of zinc on the inhibition of human d-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase by lead
- The in vivo effects of asbestos on macrophage membrane structure and population characteristics of macrophages: a scanning electron microscope study.
- The obligations of medical practitioners in relation to the new Mines and Works Act
- The visceral pleura in asbestosis
- A hexagonal model for amphibian protein yolk
- An integrated cardiorespiratory pathology information system
- Computer-assisted diagnosis
- Continued marketing of skin-lightening preparations containing mercury. (Letter)
- Control of asbestos-exposed workers in South Africa
- Cowan I strain of staphylococcus aureus as a marker for receptor sites on alveolar macrophages
- Epidemiological studies on asbestos-exposed workers in South Africa
- Fine-needle aspiration cytopathology in breast disease
- Reproduction of electron micrographs and transparencies for publication and display
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1977
- Ultrastructure of the lung in the rat following exposure to crocidolite asbestos and quartz
- Factors affecting air flow sampling
- Immune adherence reactivity of rat alveolar macrophages following inhalation of crocidolite asbestos
- 200 kV Xeroradiography in occupational exposure to silica and asbestos
- An improvement in the method of assessing ?1-antitrypsin phenotypes. (Letter)
- Blastomycosis of the tongue: A case report
- Disseminated histoplasmosis associated with disseminated tuberculosis
- Disseminated histoplasmosis associated with disseminated tuberculosis: a case report
- Immunological studies of patients with asbestosis. I. Studies of cell-mediated immunity
- Immunological studies of patients with asbestosis. II. Studies of circulating lymphoid cell numbers and humoral immunity
- In Vitro phagocytosis of quartz and asbestos by rat alveolar macrophages
- Macrophage-lymphocyte interaction after In Vivo exposure to crocidolite asbestos
- Massive fibrosis in gold miners: a radiological evaluation
- Pneumoconiosis in non-mining industries on the Witwatersrand
- Primary pulmonary sporotrichosis with unusual fungal morphology
- Pulmonary airway clearance mechanisms: A reappraisal
- Recurrent spontaneous pneumothoraces associated with pulmonary histiocytosis X
- Some aspects of the biochemistry of absorption and excretion of lead and mercury
- The activities of the South African committee on cumulative dust exposure records
- The effect of manganese and ferric ions on the in vitro formation of dihydrohidroxy metabolites of benzo(a)pyrene
- The effect of vinyl chloride monomer, chloroethylene oxide and chloracetaldehyde on DNA synthesis in regenerating rat liver
- The effect of zinc and pH on the behaviour of ?-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in baboons exposed to lead
- The Histological preparation of bronchial brushings – a reliable and satisfactory method
- The immunology of asbestosis
- The in vivo effects of quartz on rat thoracic lymph nodes
- Toward a generalised, parameterised, integrated information system: based on a working, fixed-option, specialist cardio-respiratory post-mortem pathology application
- Use of the ratio method in the identification of asbestos fibres recovered from human lungs
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1978
- A study of baboon peripheral mononuclear cells after chronic inhalation of asbestos or glass fibres
- Alterations in the surface related phenomena of rodent alveolar macrophages following inhalation of crocidolite asbestos and quartz dusts
- Alveolar macrophage-splenic lymphocyte interactions following chronic asbestos inhalation in the rat
- Cancer related to asbestos exposure: immunological studies of patients at risk
- Imaging the fine structure of crocidolite fibres using a transmission electron microscope
- Lead and morbidity. (Letter)
- Lead and morbidity: a dose-response relationship
- Loss of metallic ions from asbestos fibres in lung tissue
- Lung function and respiratory symptoms in silicotic and non-silicotic gold miners
- Mesothelioma in relation to asbestos fibre exposure: a review of 70 serial cases
- Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) in certain industries
- Submicroscopic asbestos fibres in industrial atmospheres
- The breeding and use of specific pathogen-free (SPF) rats
- The effect of asbestos-associated metal ions on the binding of benzo(a)pyrene to macromolecules in vitro
- The effect of different mineral dusts on the mechanism of phagocytosis: a scanning electron microscope study
- The effects of asbestos on macrophages
- The effects of asbestos-cement dust inhalation on baboons
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1979
- The carcinogenicity of asbestos: a study of the effect of some of its constituents and properties on benzo(a)pyrene metabolism
- A survey of mercury absorption in Johannesburg dental personnel
- Alterations in the surface-related phenomena of alveolar macrophages following inhalation of crocidolite asbestos and quartz dusts: an overview
- Evaluating health care
- Hypertension in urban black outpatients: who gets treated and for how long?
- Manifestations of cellular immunity in the rat after prolonged asbestos inhalation. 1. Physical interactions between alveolar macrophages and splenic lymphocytes
- Reference standards. (Letter)
- Risk of asbestosis in crocidolite and amosite mines in South Africa
- The application of metal-coated graphite tubes to the determination of trace metals in biological materials. 1. The determination of lead in blood using a tungsten-coated graphite tube
- The Data Sheets on the Chemical and Physical Properties of the U.I.C.C. Standard Reference Samples
- The effects of sodium arsenate on the free amino acid levels in erythrocytes and plasma in rats
- The rapid determination of microgram amounts of total collagen in pathological lesions
- Thickening of pulmonary interlobar fissures: exposure-response relationship in crocidolite and amosite miners
- Visceral pleural plaque formation in asbestosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1980
- Change in the prevalence of active pulmonary tuberculosis discovered at autopsy in black miners
- A fatal case of Legionnaires’ disease
- A survey of black mineworkers of the cape crocidolite mines
- Active pulmonary tuberculosis discovered at post mortem examination of the lungs of black miners
- An electrocardiographic estimation of the left and right ventricular weight of the heart: regression analysis based on the deviation from normal standards
- Asbestos-related radiological changes in residents of South African amphibole asbestos mining fields and the fibre counts to which they may have been exposed
- Chromosomal abberations in occupation-associated progressive systemic sclerosis
- Effects of sample preparation and matrix on copper determinations in biological specimens by flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy
- Evidence of a quartz-induced chemotactic factor for guinea pig alveolar macrophages
- The effect of silica on mammalian cell membranes
- The relationship between asbestosis and bronchial cancer
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1981
- A method for the assessment of occupational hygiene services in an industrial area in South Africa
- Attempts to demonstrate short-term metabolic effects of vinyl chloride in normal rat liver
- Body surface area of the chacma baboon (papio ursinus)
- Comparison of a graphite tube micromethod for the determination of serum iron and total iron-binding capacity with spectrophotometric techniques
- Manifestations of cellular immunity in the rat after prolonged asbestos inhalation. II. Alveolar macrophage-induced specific lymphocyte prolifration
- Mesothelioma in relation to asbestos fibre exposure (letter)
- Respiratory symptoms and lung function in black and white mining and non-mining industrial workers in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1982
- Hodgkin’s disease of the thymus: a case report
- Immunotherapy with BCG vaccine in 30 cases of mesothelioma
- Influence of vinyl chloride monomer and vinyl chloride monomer derivatives on hepatic DNA synthesis
- Lymphocytic infiltration of pleural mesothelioma and its significance for survival
- Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) – suggested correction of unitage (letter)
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1983
- Solvent exposure, alcohol consumption and liver injury in workers manufacturing paint
- Certification of occupational asthma and the submitting doctor
- A comparison of the effects of exposure of baboons to crocidolite and fibrous-glass dusts
- A simple reliable dust disperser
- Lipid peroxidation in microsomes induced by crocidolite fibres
- Reaction of colloidal silica with membranes of intact mammalian cells
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1984
- Malignant mesothelioma clinical & epidemiological features: A report of 80 cases
- Pharmacopoeia of traditional medicine in Venda
- Changes produced by the inhalation of glass fibres in non-human primates
- Epidemiology imperfect
- Formaldehyde toxicity. Part 2: Review of acute and chronic effects on health
- HLA antigens of the A and B locus in relation to the development of silicosis
- Improvement in conditions at an amalgamation plant after an industrial hygiene survey
- Isolation and partial characterization of primate ferrochelatase (EC
- Lymphoid infiltration and prognosis in colorectal carcinoma (letter)
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1985
- The asbestos related diseases
- Occupational health services in the Germiston magisterial district a pilot survey of manufacturing industries
- Reference values for lung function more to be done
- Occupational medicine clinic
- Plasma amino acids and tissue methionine levels in fruit bats (rousettus aegyptiacus) with nitrous oxide induced vitamin B12 deficiency
- Purification of membrane bound ferrochelatase (EC from baboon liver mitochondria
- Radiology of industrial lung disease
- Silica, silicosis and progressive systemic sclerosis
- The effects of metals on the properties of homogeneous ferrochelatase purified from baboon liver mitochondria
- Isocyanates and health a review
- Isocyanates and health (reply to letter)
- Lay readers in chest roentgenograms (letter)
- Mesothelioma research project (letter)
- Uncommon occupational diseases should be notified
- A major epidemic of anthrax in Zimbabwe: the experience at the Beatrice road infectious diseases hospital, Harare
- A re appraisal of the rock scorpions (Scorpionidae: Hadogenes)
- A membrane filter technique for glass fibres
- Action on mesothelioma (letter)
- Lead toxicity in South Africa
- Silicosis
- Alterations in pleural cavity cell populations in mice exposed to asbestos by inhalation
- Biomedical and nutritional applications of inductively coupled plasma
- Chronic airflow limitation: its relationship to work on dusty occupations
- Erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin determination for screening for lead exposure
- Hypertension in white South African miners
- Hypersensitivity among woodworkers in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1986
- Socio environmental factors and lung function
- Relationship between silicosis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Solutions to health problems
- Some observations on a cholera outbreak at the Umvoti mission reserve, Natal
- The national centre for occupational health: functions and facilities
- Uncommon occupational diseases should be notified (reply to a letter by R T Mossop)
- The pneumoconioses
- The middling tendency in reading chest films for pneumoconiosis: an important source of bias and variability
- The use of lay readers of chest roentgenograms in industrial screening programs
- Asbestos related diseases
- Case-control study of silicosis, silica exposure and lung cancer in white South African gold miners
- Correcting for the effect of measurement error on the association between environmental exposure and respiratory impairment
- Effects of personal, environmental and occupational factors on ischaemic heart disease in white miners in South Africa
- Foundry dust and respiratory disease
- Mortality of middle aged white South African gold miners
- Modern methods of dust sampling
- Occupational health services in South Africa: a pilot survey of manufacturing industries
- Occupational history taking in the RSA
- Occupational lung disease in the 1980’s: An approach to its identification
- Prevalence of pneumoconiosis among SA foundry workers
- Pridictors of emphysema in South African goldminers
- Primary malignant lung tumours in South African goldminers: a study of cell type distribution
- Relationship between dust exposure and X-ray appearance of pneumoconiosis in two South African foundries
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1987
- PIXE analysis of mineral matter in thin sections of human lung
- Progression of silicosis in relation to silica dust exposure
- Control group selection in studies involving compensation for occupational diseases
- Control of asbestos related disease in the RSA
- Crocidolite induced lipid peroxidation in rat lung microsomes: I role of different ions
- Crocidolite induced lipid peroxidation: II role of antioxidants
- Determination of aluminum in small samples of serum and biopsy samples of bone and soft tissues
- Determination of functional activity of alpha 1 protease inhibitor and alpha 2 macroglobulin in human plasma using elastase
- Draft standards for occupational health services in factories
- Elevated glutamic acid values in a malnourished patient
- Environmental conditions in factories
- Ethical issues in epidemiological research
- Free radical scavenging properties of polyvinylpyridine n oxide: a possible mechanism for its action in pneumoconiosis
- Functional levels of a 2 macroglobulin in plasma in relation to emphysema
- Hard-metal lung disease
- Hydroxyl radical production in the presence of fibres by fenton type reaction
- Hearing loss in white South African goldminers
- Mesothelioma risk among gold miners in South Africa
- Lung function testing in industry
- Pathological findings in mine workers: II. quality of the PATHAUT data
- Relationship between silicosis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Respiratory questionnaires in occupational studies: their use in multilingual workers on the Witwatersrand
- Some investigations into the nature and cause of massive fibrosis (MF) in the lungs of South African gold, coal and asbestos mine workers
- The NCOH occupational medicine clinic
- The posterior pleural junction line in pneumoconiosis. a report of 3 cases with thickening
- The role of plasma protease inhibitors in emphysema
- Occupational health services in South African manufacturing industries: a pilot survey
- The price of gold: paraplegic injuries on the mines
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1988
- Properties of membrane bound ferrochelatase purified from baboon liver mitochondria
- Quality control for analysing lead in blood: evaluation and comparison of participating laboratories
- Silicosis in non mining industry on the Witwatersrand
- The retention and clearance of inhaled glass fibre and different varieties of asbestos by the lung.
- A time to speak:inaugural lecture
- A case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after antimony exposure. (Letter)
- Accelerated silicosis in a factory shotblaster: a case report
- Acid digest of material on cellulose and glass fibre filters
- AIDS and South Africa towards a comprehensive strategy. Part I. The world wide experience
- AIDS and South Africa towards a comprehensive strategy. Part II. Screening and control
- AIDS and South Africa towards a comprehensive strategy. Part III. The role of education
- Ashed lung tissue
- Effect of tobacco smoking on the presence of asbestosis at post mortem and on the reading of irregular opacities on roentgenograms in asbestos exposed workers
- Evaluation of the periodic examination in the South African mining industry
- Exposure to grain dust and respiratory health in a South African grain mill
- Free radicals strike again
- Functional levels of a2 macroglobulin in plasma in relation to chronic obstructive lung disease and asthma
- Importance of particle size in the development of silicosis
- Kwikkontaminasie in Transvaalse tandheelkundige praktyke
- Lung cancer cell type and mining exposure
- Mesothelioma is a fibre specific tumour
- Occupational asthma time for scheduling as a compensable disease
- Spirometry: test acceptability and reproducibility in a South African workplace
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1989
- Mesothelioma in South Africa, 1976 1984: incidence and case characteristics
- Training for occupational health in developing countries
- Permanent disability in black mineworkers. a critical analysis
- Prediction equations for lung function in black industrial workers at the Palabora mining company
- Progression of irregular opacities in asbestos miners
- Re: corporate influence on the threshold limit values
- Relation between asbestosis and bronchial cancer in amphibole asbestos miners
- Respiratory disease mortality patterns among South African iron moulders
- Simplified size distributions
- Stannosis. a report of 2 cases
- The need for a data base of normal values of metals present in physiological fluids of South Africans
- The occupational medicine clinic of the national centre for occupational health
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1990
- Doomsday’ chimera or reality?
- Silica exposure, silicosis and lung cancer: A mortality study of South African gold miners
- Reply to letter Domestic exposure to workplace hazards: a risk for hostel dwellers
- Silica exposure, silicosis and lung cancer: A necropsy study
- Some observations on the effect of ashing temperature on the determination of aluminum in serum by furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
- The challenge of malignant mesothelioma
- Training for occupational health in developing countries
- Experimental malignant mesothelioma in baboons
- Never take anything for granted
- We need more accurate data on the causes of sickness and death
- A radiological survey of a ceramic factory manufacturing wall tiles and small bathroom fittings
- A respiratory health survey of an urban black workforce in Johannesburg: determination of symptoms and of lung function
- Ability of 21-aminosteroid to protect human cells against asbestos-induced hemolysis
- Aftermath of asbestos mining – Health effects of fibres in the environment
- Asbestos in the air around abandoned mines in North Eastern Transvaal
- Bernadino Ramazzini (1633-1714) “The father of Industrial Medicine”
- Biological monitoring I
- Combined effect of silica dust and tobacco smoking on mortality from chronic obstructive lung disease in gold miners
- Combined effect of silica dust exposure and tobacco smoking on the prevalence of respiratory impairments among gold miners.
- Domestic exposure to workplace hazards: a risk for hostel dwellers?
- Fluoride in workplace air and in urine of workers concentrating fluorspar
- Human anthrax in Zimbabwe
- Mortality of an asbestos exposed birth cohort. A pilot study
- Occupational hygiene is in peril
- Reference values for lung function still much to be done
- The challenge of malignant mesothelioma
- Threshold limit values for fluoride in fluorspar exposure. (Letter)
- Respiratory health status of children in the eastern Transvaal highveld
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1991
- Biological monitoring (BM) (Part 2)
- Calculation of the long term probability of non compliance.
- Cations and trace elements in South African tea and coffee
- Chlamydia TWAR in coronary atheroma � an ultrastructural study. Abstract
- The effect of exposure to aluminium on concentrations of essential metals in serum of foundry workers
- The prevalence and age distribution of peripheral pulmonary hamartomas in adult males. An autopsy based study
- The relation between fibrosis of hilar lymph glands and the development of parenchymal silicosis
- The role of occupational health and hygiene in industry, Part 1
- Cholinesterase estimations and pesticide exposure (Letter to editor)
- The role of occupational health and hygiene in industry, Part 2
- Chronic airflow limitation in South African gold miners. (Letter)
- Combined effect of dust exposure and tobacco smoking on the occurrence of lung diseases in South African gold miners
- Comparison of normal subjects and asthma patients with respect to age related elastase binding activity of ?2 macroglobulin in plasma
- Computer simulation studies to predict the efficacy of newly synthesized chelating agents as possible antidotes for heavy metal poisoning. Abstract. SA Pharmacological Society Congress, Sandton 1990
- Deja vu?
- Deposition of aluminium in tissues of rabbits exposed to inhalation of low concentrations of Al2O3 dust
- Determination of blood lead levels (Letter to Editor)
- Doomsday’ chimera or reality? Reply to letter by S Robertson re article of this title
- Dust and pneumoconiosis in the South African ceramic industry
- Effect of standing versus sitting position on spirometric indices in healthy subjects
- Efficacy of THP 12aneN4 to act as an antidote for cadmium poisoning. Abstract. SA Pharmacological Society Congress. Sandton 1990
- Emphysema type in relation to silica dust exposure in South African gold miners
- Factory health services in Johannesburg and Randburg
- Interaction of aluminium and some essential trace metals in occupationally exposed humans and laboratory rabbits
- A preliminary study of structures found in human coronary artery lesions
- Letter re TB diagnosis at Gold Fields Mines
- Aluminium transport across the rat intestine
- Lipid peroxidation by mineral dusts and fibres: ESR studies of oxygen uptake during peroxidation of lipids in multilamellar liposomes
- Aluminium, zinc, copper and fluoride content of teas and coffees. (Abstract)
- An estimation of the rate at which crocidolite asbestos fibres are cleared from the lung
- Mineral fibres: occurrence, production, properties, uses
- Neurotoxic effects of chronic exposure to manganese dust
- An occupational hygiene assessment of a plant processing manganese. Abstract. SA Pharmacological Society Congress, Sandton 1990
- Asbestos disease at low exposure after long residence time in amphibole miners
- Oxygen consumption, lipid peroxidation and mineral fibres
- Poorly performed lung function tests the answer is not blowing in the wind
- Radiographs deserve respect
- Relevance of airflow obstruction and mucus hypersecretion to mortality
- Research and prevention of asbestos related diseases in South Africa
- Risking their lives in ignorance: the story of an asbestos polluted community
- Characterization of inhaled asbestos fibres in the lungs of baboons
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1992
- A time to speak (Re published)
- Airborne microorganisms in the pharmaceutical industry
- Alpha 1 protease inhibitor in bronchial asthma: phenotypes and biochemical characteristics
- An investigation of the mechanism of detoxification in asbestos
- Compensatable disease should be reported
- Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in coronary arterial streaks and atheromatous plaques
- Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in the coronary artery atheroma plaque. Abstract
- Dust exposure and pneumoconiosis in a South African pottery. 2. Pneumoconiosis and factors influencing reading of radiological opacities
- Dust exposure and pneumoconiosis in a South African pottery: 1. Study objectives and dust exposure
- Environmental levels of airborne micro-organisms
- Faktore wat ‘n moontlike veilige grenskonsentrasie van asbesvesels kan verbloem
- Health risks among white South African goldminers – dust, smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Health services in industry in Johannesburg and Randburg
- Historical perspectives in occupational medicine. Pneumoconiosis research in South Africa with emphasis on developments in the last quarter century.
- If the mean moves, the tail will follow
- If the means moves the tail will follow. Reply to letter re article of this title
- Indoor air pollution
- Loss of lung function associated with silica dust exposure and with tobacco smoking and its relation to disability and mortality in South African gold miners
- Lung function in silicosis.
- Monitoring of air for microbial and metal contamination at selected sites in the vicinity of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Performance evaluation of laboraties participating in the NCOH blood lead quality control scheme. Paper no. 219. Book of abstracts
- Pesticide exposure and cholinesterase levels among farm workers in the Republic of South Africa
- Procedural aspects of compensation for permanent disability due to occupational disease
- Proposed title and objectives of the establishment of an institute of occupational hygienists
- Quality control of red blood cell cholinesterase estimations (Letter)
- Re: Tiger’s eye pneumoconiosis (Letter)
- Selection bias in a case control study of emphysema
- Serological response to chlamydia pneumoniae in adults with coronary arterial fatty streaks and fibrolipid plaques
- TB case finding.
- The mortality of amphibole miners in South Africa, 1947-80
- The proposed death certificate for South Africa. Part I. Death certificate description
- The proposed death certificate for South Africa. Part II. Feasibility study
- The reform of workers’ compensation legislation in South Africa. Report of a conference. Midrand, 26 28 March 1992
- Tremolite in South African chrysotile
- Industrial technology and the environment
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1993
- Characterization of asbestos fibres in lungs and mesotheliomatous tissues of baboons following long term inhalation
- Cor pulmonale and silicosis: a necropsy based case control study
- Correlation between radiological and pathological diagnosis of silicosis: an autopsy population based study
- Demonstration of Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries
- Differences in elastase binding activity of a1 protease inhibitor and a2 macroglobulin for asthma patients and control subjects with various a1 protease inhibitor phenotypes
- ESR and Mossbauer studies on detoxified crocidolite: mechanism of reduced toxicity
- Measurement quality: quality control of airborne asbestos fibre evaluation
- Mossbauer spectroscopic studies on three different types of crocidolite fibres
- Neuropsychological assessment of organic solvent effects in South Africa: test selection, adaptation, scoring and validation issues
- Occupational allergy
- Occupational dust exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic overview of the evidence
- Occupational lung disease (Letter)
- Para occupational lead poisoning in Soweto. (Letter)
- Parameters which determine the activity of the transition metal iron in crocidolite asbestos: ESR, Mossbauer spectroscopic and iron mobilization studies
- Re: Attitudes and opinions regarding asbestos and cancer, 1934-1965
- Respiratory health survey in an Indian South African community: distribution and determinants of symptoms, diseases and lung function
- Risk of silicosis in a cohort of white South African gold miners
- Serological response to Chlamydia pneumoniae in adults with coronary arterial fatty streaks and fibrolipid plaques
- Studies by PIXE on the removal of trace metals from the heart, liver and kidneys of the rat by chelating agents
- The effect of citrate containing calcium preparations on intestinal aluminum absorption
- The social consequences of industrial accidents: disabled mine workers in Lesotho
- The transport of aluminium and water across the rat small intestine
- The workplace environment continuum
- Three minerals, three epidemics asbestos mining and diseases in South Africa
- Tuberculosis and silicosis
- Welding fume: its agglomeration, chemical composition and health hazard
- Aerodynamic aspects of exhaust ventilation
- Evaluation of a new chelating agent for cadmium: a preliminary report
- If the mean moves, the tail will follow. Reply to letter re article of this title
- Scheduling of occupational asthma. (Letter)
- A cross sectional survey of neurobehavioural effects of chronic solvent exposure on workers in a paint manufacturing plant
- A survey of a small group of workers exposed to toluene di isocyanate
- Activation and detoxification of UICC crocidolite: the effect of conversion of oxidation state of iron on the toxicity of the fibres
- Activation of UICC crocidolite: the effect of conversion of some ferric ions to ferrous ions.
- Biological monitoring in occupational exposure control
- Bulk and surface modifications in detoxified crocidolite
- Changes in the concentrations of copper and zinc in body fluids and tissues of rabbits following the inhalation of low concentrations of Al2O3 dust
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1994
- Masquerading as major depression (Letter)
- December 31, 1994
- An assessment of the respiratory health status of foundry workers known to be exposed to silica dust at work
- Atypical’ bacteria are a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalised adults
- Biological monitoring for organophosphate/carbamate pesticides – the cholinesterase assay (letter)
- Cholinesterase activity in workers exposed to organophosphate pesticides at a coffee plantation
- Compensation for occupational lung disease in non-mining industry
- Death following exposure to fine particulate nickel from a metal arc process
- Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae in coronary arterial fatty streaks and atheromatous plaques
- Dust and pneumoconiosis in the South African foundry industry
- Effect of calcium supplement preparation containing small amounts of citrate on the absorption of aluminium in normal subjects and in renal failure patients
- Emphysema and airway obstruction in non-smoking South African gold miners with long exposure to silica dust
- End products of fibre-induced lipid peroxidation: possible determinants of biological activity of mineral fibres
- ESR and MS studies on Foundry dust
- Ethnic differences in the occurrence of the M1(ala213) haplotype of alpha-1-antitrypsin in asthmatic and non-asthmatic black and white South Africans.
- Free radicals, oxidative stress and disease
- Identification and quantification of fibre-induced lipid peroxidation products by GC-MSD
- Occupational noise exposure and blood pressure: Longitudinal and cross-sectional observations in a group of underground miners
- Reflections on trauma and violence-related deaths in Soweto, July 1990 – June 1991
- Reporting occupational disease
- Risk of silicosis in relation to fraction of respirable quartz. (Letter)
- Section 25 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Letter)
- Seroprevalence of antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophilia in mine workers, factory workers and pneumonia patients
- Third wave of asbestos-related disease from secondary use of asbestos. A case report from industry
- Three minerals, three epidemics – asbestos mining and disease in South Africa
- Malignant mesothelioma induced in baboons by inhalation of amosite asbestos.
- Sound an alarm!
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1995
- Membrane potential of rat hepatoma cells in culture: influence of factors affecting amino acid transport.
- A proposal for a South African surveillance for occupational asthma – an invitation for comments.
- A proposal for a South African surveillance system for occupational asthma – an invitation for comments.
- A standardization approach to the control of socio-economic confounding in small area studies of environment and health.
- An infrastructure for occupational health services.
- Beryllium and lung disease.
- Biological indicators of occupational exposure to aluminium dust (published abstract).
- Cholinesterase estimations of workers occupationally exposed to organophosphates.
- Chromosome damage in asbestos exposed workers, measured by sister chromatid exchange.
- Competitive interactions and their physiological consequences.
- Different fractions of ligands in biological fluids and their physiological roles.
- Different fractions of metal ions on biological fluids and their physiological roles.
- Future occupational health and primary health care at the worksite – a SASOM proposal.
- Monitoring of organisms in waste water treatment plant: implication for research policy.
- No need for milk in the prevention of occupational illness.
- Occupational asthma in South Africa
- Occupational asthma: seek and you shall find?
- Occupational disease trends in black South African gold miners: an autopsy study.
- Occupational health monitoring practices of registered mercury using workplaces within the PWV area.
- Platinum salt sensitivity in refinery workers: incidence and effects of smoking and exposure.
- Skin prick tests to common allergens in adult worker populations living at high altitude.
- Smoking behaviour can be predicted by neighbourhood deprivation measures.
- Tests for sensitisation in occupational medicine practice – the soy bean example.
- The cholinesterase enzyme reaction and pesticide inhibition.
- Total IgE levels in a rural pedi population in the North Eastern Transvaal.
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1996
- Risk of pulmonary tubercolosis relative to silicosis and exposure to silica dust in South Africa gold miners
- SORDSA – Surveillance of occupational respiratory diseases in South Africa: work-related pulmonary tuberculosis.
- The psychosocial context of HIV transmission on the gold mines: implications for HIV education programmes.
- The second international conference on the health of mineworkers. Pittsburgh, 11-13 November 1995.
- The South African Legionella action group: introduction and objectives
- Xenozoonoses: assessing activation of latent/unknown viruses in immunosuppressed baboons.
- Mortality of white South African gold miners.
- A case of hypersensitivity pneumonia in a printer.
- Academic research and HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
- Biological indicators of exposure to total and respirable aluminium dust fractions in a primary aluminium smelter.
- Can microwave radiation reduce the toxicity of fibrous asbestos mineral?
- Data requirements for epidemiological research.
- Induction of primate Th2 lymphokines to suppress Th1 cells.
- Industrial mercury use within the Gauteng Province.
- Interprimate stem cell transplantation.
- Lung cancer in relation to silica dust, silicosis and uranium production in South African gold miners.
- Monitoring blood lead levels in South African industry in 1995.
- Multigenic drug resistance among inbred malaria parasites.
- M ssbauer spectroscopic investigations of South African foundry dust clouds.
- Occupational contact dermatitis
- Occupational disease trends in black South African gold miners: an autopsy-based study.
- Occupational health monitoring practices or registered mercury using workplaces within Gauteng.
- Occupational health nurses and occupational hygiene: an attitude study.
- Selecting biomonitoring action levels for occupationally exposed populations.
- Similarity of nickel distribution in leaf tissue of two distantly hyperaccumulating species.
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1997
- The new national centre for occupational health (NCOH)
- Why do we need a large study on tobacco-attributed mortality in South Africa?
- A South African biological monitoring report: Part 1 – organic chemical exposures
- Case study: occupational asthma due to toluene diisocyanate
- Atherosclerotic lesions of chlamydia pneumoniae
- Can microwave radiation, at high temperatures, reduce the toxicity of fibrous asbestos mineral?
- Chapter 18 occupational health
- Clinical, radiographic and lung function features of diffuse congenital cystic adenomatiod malformation of the lung in an adult
- Experimental concordant kidney xenotransplantation in primates
- Exposure to legionella pneumophila and chlamydia pneumoniae in SA mine workers
- Free radicals and disease
- Identification of aluminium fractions in serum using high performance liquid chromatography, ultrafiltration, and zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry
- Lung cancer in relation to exposure to silica dust, silicosis and uranium production in South African gold miners
- Occupational skin diseases in SA: dealing with a hidden epidemic
- Risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in relation to paternal exposure to low-level ionizing radiation in Czech uranium miners. (Submitted)
- Semen quality and fertility of men employed in a South African lead acid battery plant
- Snowmountain-like virus identified in young children winter vomiting disease in South Africa
- South African Legionella action group established
- Sunlight, cholesterol and coronary heart disease
- Surveillance of occupational diseases – Where does SORDSA fit in?
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1998
- Occupational lung diseases in the Northern Province
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV infected patients from South Africa
- Cardiovascular disease and occupational exposure
- Cockroach allergy in South Africa: coastal versus inland
- Compensation for occupational dermatitis: case study and discussion
- Formaldehyde levels in embalmers and personnel in anatomy and pathology departments
- Drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in a cohort of Southern African gold miners with a high prevalence of HIV infection
- Health hazards of the manual metal arc welding environment
- Lead absorption and renal dysfunction in a South African battery factory
- New birth and death registration forms. A foundation for the future, a challenge for health workers?
- Obituary. Professor Ian Webster
- Occupational allergies: immunology, diagnosis and compensation
- South African biological monitoring report
- The impact of HIV infection on tuberculosis control: a prospective cohort study of african patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent tuberculosis
- The effect of dosage cards on compliance with directly observed tuberculosis therapy in hospital
- The role of chlamydia pneumoniae in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
- Viability of mycobacteria in formalin fixed tissues
- Occupational lung disease in labour sending areas.
- Widows of miners in the Northern Province
- Health safety measures at the work environment
- An electron microscopical study of rift valley fever and sindbis viral infection in mosquito salivary glands (Diptera: Culicidae)
- Beware: those welding fumes can be harmful to your health
- Effect of microwave radiation on surface charge, surface sites and ionic state of iron, and the activity of crocidolite asbestos fibres
- Endotracheal tube colonisatin and nosocomial pneumonia in mechanically ventilated patients
- Legionella in background, diagnosis, prevention and control
- Correlation between autopsy findings for chronic obstructive airways disease and in life disability in South African gold miners (Submitted 1998)
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in human immunodeficiency virus infected patients from South Africa
- Prevalence of occupational lung disease in a random sample of former mineworkers, Libode district, Eastern Cape Province, SA
- Susceptibility of chacma baboons (papio ursinus orientalis) to infection with HBV
- Aerodynamic aspects of exhaust ventilation
- Chlamydia pneumoniae in atheroma: consideration of criteria for causality
- Occupational allergies- an overview
- Category: Scientific Publications – 1999
- COID training project – a SASOM report
- Compensating miners in the Northern Province
- Environmental and worker protection against airborne asbestos: practices observed during asbestos removal in the residential areas of Soweto
- My amphibole fibre exposure
- Neuropsychological function in solvent-exposed South African paintmakers
- Occupational & environmental medicine sites
- Southern African meeting on education and training of occupational health and safety professionals
- The ability of mineral dusts and fibres of initiate lipid peroxidation. Part 1: Parameters which determine this ability
- The burden of occupational lung disease in South Africa
- The presence and sequence of endotracheal tube colonization in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation
- The role of oxidative stress in diseases caused by mineral dusts and fibres: current status and future of prophylaxis and treatment
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2000
- A proposed radiographic classification of tuberculosis to accompany the ILO International classification of radiographs of pneumoconiosis
- A review of the occupational health hazards associated with bitumen and coal tar derivatives
- Case report of occupational asthma due to onion
- Changing concepts of coronary artery disease – Part 1
- Chronic pulmonary function impairment caused by initial and recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis following treatment
- Classification of drug- resistant tuberculosis in an epidemic area (letter)
- Constructing healthy buildings
- Coronary heart disease – any likelihood of benefit from the control of chlamydia pneumoniae?
- Correlation between autopsy findings for chronic obstructive airways disease and in-life disability in South African gold miners
- Detection methods for legionella in cooling water systems
- Detoxification of asbestos fibres: rationale, feasibility and the future of the process
- Don’t forget the ferruginous bodies
- Drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in a cohort of Southern African goldminers with a high prevalence of HIV infection
- Establishing exposure to a recognized cause in suspect cases of occupational asthma
- Factors associated with an increased case-fatality rate in HIV-infected and non-infected South African gold miners with pulmonary tuberculosis
- Grain dust allergy and asthma among grain mill workers in Cape Town
- Histological and ultrastructural findings suggesting an initiating role for chlamydia pneumoniae in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
- Legionaries’ disease : The need for notification
- Lung function prediction equations derived from healthy South African gold miners
- Myocardial infarction associated with chlamydia pneumonia
- Onion allergy – a case report
- Proposed study on hand arm vibration syndrome in SA gold miners
- Risk factors for pulmonary disease due to culture-positive M. tuberculosis or non-tuberculous mycobacteria in South African gold miners
- Risk of mesothelioma from exposure to crocidolite asbestos: a 1995 update of a South African mortality study
- Services offered by the NCOH
- The ability of mineral dusts and fibres to initiate lipid peroxidation. Part II: relationship to different particle-induced pathological effects
- The burden of occupational lung disease
- The burden of occupational lung disease
- The pathology of chlamydia pneumoniae lesions in humans and animal models
- The pulvillus and empodium in Culex quinquefasciatus: visualization with the light microscope and a study of fine structure with the scanning electron microscope
- Tuberculosis control and molecular epidemiology in a Southern African gold mining community. Patterns of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis in the gold mining industry: conventional and molecular epidemiology
- Tuberculosis treatment failure and drug resistance – same strain or new infection?
- Use of mini-radiographs to detect silicosis: comparison of radiological with autopsy findings
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2001
- A pathologist’s view of organisms and human atherosclerosis
- Aluminium uptake and excretion in potroom workers of a new primary aluminium smelter during the construction stage
- An objective assessment of the present method of asbestos fibre evaluation, proceeding X2001- exposure assessment
- Asbestos lung fibre concentrations in South African chrysotile mine workers
- Asbestos-related lung disease among women in the Northern Province of South Africa
- Evaluation of DNA damage in human lymphocytes exposed to DDT related compounds in vitro using the comet assay
- Health hazards in the assembly of electronic devices
- HIV-1 and recurrence, relapse and reinfection of tuberculosis after cure: cohort study in South African mineworkers
- Identification of a possible biomarker for colophony exposure
- Latex allergy – determining our future careers
- Legionella detection from South African cooling water systems: Proceedings of the 5th International Legionella Conference, Neu-Ulm, Germany
- Lipid peroxidation in mineral particle-induced pathology
- Mechanism of arterial infection by chlamydia pneumoniae
- Noise & Vibration
- Occupational aluminium exposure and status of essential metals in smelter workers
- Occupational asthma as identified by the surveillance of work-related and occupational respiratory diseases programme in South Africa
- Occupational health indicators for South Africa
- Occupational lung diseases among former goldminers in two labour-sending areas
- Occupational respiratory diseases in South Africa: results from SORDSA 1997 – 1999
- Occupational risks in hairdressing
- Occurrence and causes of occupational asthma in South Africa – results from SORDSA’s occupational asthma registry, 1997 – 1999
- Persistent radiological changes following miliary tuberculosis in miners exposed to silica dust
- Prospective study of allergy in a new soybean processing plant
- Setting the scene for SORDSA – The importance of occupational respiratory disease surveillance in South Africa
- Should South Africans be proactive about the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders?
- Silicosis and tuberculosis among South African gold-miners – an overview of recent studies and current issues
- Silicosis and Tuberculosis: Part 2 – A radiographic presentation of nodular tuberculosis and silicosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2002
- A survey of blood lead levels among young Johannesburg school children
- Exposure to asbestos and lung and pleural cancer mortality among pulp and paper industry workers
- Feelings of stigmatization in persons with contact dermatitis
- Morbidity and mortality in South African gold miners: impact of untreated disease due to human immunodeficiency virus
- Morbidity and mortality in South African gold miners: impact of untreated disease due to human immunodeficiency virus
- Mortality from lung cancer in workers exposed to sulfur dioxide in the pulp and paper industry
- Multiple roles of oxidants in the pathogenesis of asbestos-induced diseases
- Occupational asthma in food handlers: cases reported to SORDSA (1996-2002)
- Semantics and the application of the ILO Classification: the need for recording visceral pleural manifestations separately [Letter]
- Some mechanistic aspects of silica-induced increased predisposition to TB [Abstract]
- The Diploma and Masters in Public Health: Occupational Hygiene
- The role of radiology in occupational lung disease
- Why the poor response in South Africa to the ILO/WHO global programme to eliminate silicosis?
- Mica dust as a cause of severe pneumoconiosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2003
- Childhood lead exposure in South Africa
- Comparison of blood and environmental manganese levels among school children in two South African cities
- Identification methods for legionella from environmental samples
- Is asbestosis a disease of the parenchyma or of the airways – or both?
- Managing pulmonary tuberculosis in the workplace
- Multiple roles of oxidants in the pathogenesis of asbestos-induced diseases
- Nervous system effects of occupational manganese exposure on SA manganese mineworkers
- Research in occupational health in general and in occupational toxicology in particular in South Africa: past achievements and future challenges
- Respiratory disease reported to SORDSA from 2000 – 2003
- Review of cases of asbestosis assessed at NCOH from 1980 to March 2000
- Silicosis and tuberculosis. Silicosis and concomitant tuberculosis: the radiologists enigma. A proposed radiographic classification of tuberculosis to accompany the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of the pneumoconioses
- Surface activity of silica particles: an important parameter in dose-response relationship
- The mobile X-ray caravan: an important contributor to monitoring workers’ health in foundries
- The nervous system effects of occupational exposure on workers in a South African manganese smelter
- The utility of biological monitoring for manganese in ferroalloy smelter workers in South Africa
- Whole body vibration in the South African mining industry
- Occupational latex allergy: a stepwise approach
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2004
- The mobile X-ray caravan: an important contributor to monitoring workers’ health in foundries
- The nervous system effects of occupational exposure on workers in a South African manganese smelter
- Tuberculosis and silicosis in South African gold mining
- Asbestos in sputum, crackles in the lungs and radiological changes in women exposed to asbestos
- Burden of occupational morbity in South Africa: two large field surveys of self-reported work-related and work-aggravated disease
- Effects of platinum and palladium ions on the production and reactivity of neutrophil-derived reactive oxygen species
- HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis: the impact goes beyond those infested with HIV
- Measuring low concentrations of asbestos fibers in environmental air samples from asbestos roofed houses
- Occupational disease rates in South African miners at autopsy: Surveillance report 2003
- Occupational respiratory disease in mining
- Oxygen free radical scavenger enzyme polymorphisms in systemic sclerosis
- Pneumoconioses
- Pro-oxidative interactions of cobalt with human neutrophils
- Pulmonary nocardiosis in autopsies of South African miners
- Radiographic outcomes among South African coal miners
- Radiological abnormalities in South African mica millers
- Report from a Pedi village
- SIMRAC occupational health research in 2004
- Tobacco attributable deaths in South Africa
- Viability of mycobacteria in formalin-fixed lungs
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2005
- Asbestosis in the non-mining industry on the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Blood manganese concentrations among first-grade school children in two South African cities
- Effect of HIV on work-related injury rates in South African gold miners
- Evidence against a role for SV40 in human mesothelioma
- Hand-arm vibration syndrome
- How soon after infection with HIV does the risk of tuberculosis start to increase? A retrospective cohort study in South African gold miners
- Introduction to travel medicine
- Is smoking cessation stressed enough in the prevention of occupational allergy?
- Isolation of pathogenic Legionella species and legionella-laden amoebae in dental unit water lines
- Lack of association of eNOS (G894T) and p22phox NADPH oxidase subunit (C242T) polymorphisms with systemic sclerosis in a cohort of French Caucasian patients
- Lipid peroxidation and trace elements in systemic sclerosis
- Occupational Health and the traveller
- Reflections on the recent allergy workshop held at the National Institute for Occupational Health
- Research and travel medicine
- Respiratory outcomes among South African coal miners at autopsy
- Scope of travel medicine. In: A guide to the practice of travel medicine
- Smoking and occupational health in miners
- South Africa’s mines – treasure chest or Pandora’s box?
- Validation of autopsy data for epidemiologic studies of coal miners
- The pregnant traveller
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2006
- The use of new trends in toxicology at the NIOH
- The NIOH – celebrating 50 years of activity in occupational health
- Survival from HIV-1 seroconversion in Southern Africa: a retrospective cohort study in nearly 2000 gold-miners over 10 years of follow-up
- South Africa’s National Institute for Occupational Health: from phthisis to occupational health and back again
- Antiosidant and genotoxic properties of South African herbal extracts
- An update on the detoxification processes for silica particles and asbestos fibres: Successes and limitations
- Africa’s present and future needs in toxicology education: Southern African Perspective
- Vision for NIOH: Taking research to practice for the old and new
- Traumatic retinal detachment following a motor vehicle accident abroad
- Silicosis and tuberculosis among miners in South Africa during the 20th century
- Setting the stage for biomarkers to predict exposure to crystalline silica
- Sensitisation to maize in the wet milling industry
- Rock drills used in South African Mines: a comparative study of noise and vibration levels
- Research at the National Institute for Occupational Health: past, present and future
- Preventing adverse effects of noise and vibration in the South African mining industry
- Prevalence of radiographic changes compatible with asbestos exposure in workers at a power station
- Potential hazard from cleaning asbestos cement roofs: a case report
- Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in African miners at autopsy
- Occupational respiratory diseases in South Africa – results from SORDSA, 2000-2003
- Occupational reproductive health research in South Africa: a neglected area
- Occupational lung diseases in South African miners at autopsy: surveillance report 2004
- Occupational exposure to ethylene oxide during pregnancy and association with adverse reproductive outcomes.
- Noise and vibration in the South African mining industry
- Necessity for a dedicated occupational skin diseases clinic in South Africa – first 8 months
- Movies, travel and work – making movies on the move
- Mechanistically identified suitable biomakers of exposure, effect and susceptibility for silicosis and coal-worker’s pneumoconiosis: A comprehensive review
- Mold assessment in a leather testing laboratory: case study
- Malaria surveillance within a travel health service in the mining industry
- Lymphocytic and interstitial pneumonitis (pneumonia) in HIV-positive adults
- Lipid peroxidation and trace elements in systemic sclerosis
- Ethics in occupational health research in South Africa
- Hand-arm vibration syndrome in South African gold miners
- Examining the association between blood manganese and lead levels in schoolchildren in four selected regions of South Africa
- Damaged goods: Return to sender. A review of the historical medical records of repatriated Chinese miners
- Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis – the South African experience
- Clinical and radiological features of pulmonary disease due to culture-positive M. Tuberculosis or nontuberculous mycobacteria in South African gold miners
- Attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and practices regarding malaria prophylaxis in expatriate mine workers in the Zambian Copperbelt
- Asbestos fibre-type and mesothelioma risk in the Republic of South Africa
- Addressing the challenges of underdevelopment in Environmental and Occupational Health in Southern Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2007
- Where have all the hygienists gone?
- Action on silica, silicosis and tuberculosis. A project of work and health in Southern Africa (WAHSA)
- Validation of biomarkers for improved assessmemnt of exposure and early effect from exposure to crystalline silica
- Survival from HIV-1 seroconverion in Southern Africa: a retrospective cohort study in nearly 2000 gold miners over 10 years of follow-up
- South African platinum mine employees reduce smoking in five years
- South African experience with asbestos related environmental mesothelioma: is asbestos fiber type important?
- Silica, silicosis and tuberculosis
- Rock drills used in South African mines: a comparative study of noise and vibration levels
- Occupational health conditions in a telecommunications company in Africa
- Occupational exposure to ethylene oxide during pregnancy and association with adverse reproductive outcomes.
- Lead in paint: three decades later and still a hazard for African children
- Intrapulmonary lymph nodes in South African miners – an autopsy survey
- Health effects of amosite milling in South Africa
- Hand-arm vibration syndrome in South African gold miners
- Hand arm vibration syndrome in the South African mining industry
- Examining the association between blood manganese and lead levels in school children in four selected regions of South Africa
- Evaluation of preventative and control measures for lead exposure in a South African lead acid battery recycling smelter
- Family practitioners’ perceptions of, knowledge about and use of peak flow meters in the Lenasia, Lenasia South and Soweto Community Health Clinics
- Facts about IOHA
- Ethics in occupational health research in South Africa
- Elimination of silicosis: to eliminate which silica
- Demographic data and disease rates for January to December 2006
- Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis – the South African experience
- Cryptococcal pneumonia in African miners at autopsy
- Cause of death and presence of respiratory disease at autopsy in an HIV-1 seroconversion cohort of Southern African gold miners
- Asbestos in and around Soweto dwellings with asbestos cement roofs
- A practical guide to the prevention and treatment of legionellosis
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2008
- Effects of duration of HIV infection and secondary tuberculosis transmission on tuberculosis incidence in the South African gold mines.
- South African experience with asbestos related environmental mesothelioma: Is asbestos fiber type important?
- Work-related asthma: current concepts and management approaches to various phenotypes
- The burden of skin diseases in South African Mines
- Travelling for work:seeking advice in South Africa
- The ability of Warburgia salutaris extracts to protect against crystalline silica- induced cell injury
- Scientific investigations in African herbal remedies is an imperative and not and indulgence
- Reproductive health and Work life in South Africa
- Epoxy resin exposure and dermatitis – a case study
- Dust and protein exposure in soybean processing plants
- Occupational health in healthcare facilities in South Africa-where does infection control stop and occupational health start? editorial letter
- Malaria risk for travellers in Africa
- A case of silicosis and progressive massive fibrosis with uncertain occupational exposure to silica
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2009
- Action on silica, silicosis and tuberculosis – the WAHSA experience in Southern Africa.
- Airborne latex exposure in occupational settings – towards better control strategies in South Africa.
- Allergenicity of latex rubber products used in South African dental schools
- Asbestos in soil around dwelling in Soweto.
- The limits of testing particle-mediated oxidative stress in vitro in predicting diverse pathologies; relevance for testing of nanoparticles.
- Detection of environmental Mycobacterium tuberculosis using rapid and sensitive conventional and real time polymerase chain reaction.
- Implications of the introduction of a replacement method for asbestos fibre counting in South Africa.
- Increased oxidants and reduced antioxidants in irradiated parenteral nutrition solutions may contribute to the inflammatory response.
- Interstitial fibrosis in patients who demise from pneumocystis pneumonia.
- Occupational exposure to endotoxin from contaminated dental unit waterlines.
- Oscillating migration and the pidemics of silicosis, tuberculosis, and HIV infection in South African gold miners
- Preliminary study on fertility and employment status in South Africa
- Should we have paid more attention to occupational lung disease in South Africa?
- Surgically cured hypoglycemia secondary to pleural solitary fibrous tumour: case report and update review on the Doege-Potter syndrome.
- The Work and Health in Southern Africa (WAHSA) Programme – overall experiences and the way forward.
- The placenta as a barrier for toxic and essential elements in paired maternal and cord blood samples of South African delivering women
- Three decades of silicosis: disease trends at autopsy in South African gold miners.
- Work and health in Southern Africa – the planning of WAHSA
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2010
- High rates of recurrence in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with tuberculosis.
- Human disease due to exposure to nanoparticles
- Malignant mesothelioma in a patient with anthophyllite asbestos fibres in the lungs
- Oscillating migration and the epidemics of silicosis, tuberculosis, and HIV Infection in South African gold miners
- The occupational skin disease clinic at the NIOH, NHLS: five years experience
- The effect of HIV infection on time off work in a large cohort of gold miners with known dates of seroconversion.
- Pulmonary and systemic toxicity following exposure to nickel nanoparticles
- Three decades of silicosis: disease trends at autopsy in South African gold miners
- The problem of compensation for occupational skin disease in South Africa
- Tuberculosis and survival of HIV-infected individuals by time since seroconversion.
- Time-to-pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes in a South African population.
- Work-related fatalities in the South African construction industry: 2004 to 2006
- Workplace determinants of endotoxin exposure in dental healthcare facilities in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2011
- Characterization of minerals in pleural plaques from lung tissue of nonhuman primates.
- Chilean miners: raising awareness of the plight of miners worldwide
- Manganese and lead in children’s blood and airborne particulate matter in Durban, South Africa.
- Missed opportunities in TB diagnosis: a TB process-based performance review tool to evaluate and improve clinical care
- Occupational lung disease in the South African mining industry: Research and policy implementation
- The risk of asbestos exposure in South African diamond mine workers
- Trends in lung cancer mortality in South Africa: 1995-2006
- Biological agents causing occupational airborne contact dermatitis.
- Endotoxin exposures and work-related asthma – a review
- Health effects associated with exposure to hazardous biological agents and their constituents in poultry farming
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2012
- Antimicrobial resistance surveillance among Nosocomial pathogens in South Africa: systematic review of published literature.
- Seasonal growth of the attachment clamps of a Paradiplozoon sp. as depicted by statistical shape analysis
- Sensitisation & symptoms associated with soybean exposure in processing plants in South Africa.
- Risk factors associated with asthma phenotypes in dental healthcare workers.
- The South African paediatric tumour registry- 25 years of activity
- The CUPID (cultural and psychosocial influences on disability) study: methods of data collection and characteristics of study sample
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2013
- A South African database of samples analysed for the presence of asbestos
- An independent investigation into the purification capacity of small-scale water purification units supplied in South Africa
- Comparison of methods to digest midsagittal sections of lung tissue and an evaluation of their effect on the composition of standard silica
- Differences among the coloured, white, black, and other South African populations in smoking -attributed mortality at ages 35-74 years: A case-control study of 481640 deaths
- Disabling musculoskeletal pain in working populations: Is it the job, the person or the culture?
- Environmental risk factors
- Routinely collected laboratory data: a neglected resource
- Silicosis at autopsy in platinum mineworkers
- Indoor air quality: the situation in the Adler Museum
- International variation in absence from work attributed to musculoskeletal illness: findings from the CUPID study
- Label-free in vitro toxicity and uptake assessment of citrate stabilised gold nanoparticles in three cell lines
- Molecular characterization of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in a South African population
- Mining: South Africa’s legacy and burden in the context of occupational
- Occupational respiratory diseases in the South African mining industry
- Predictors of loss to follow-up among children in the first and second years of antiretroviral treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Parkinson disease
- Repeatability of manual coding of Cancer reports in the South African National Cancer Registry, 2010
- Safety and health in mining in South Africa
- The health of South African mining morkforce: trends, progress and challenges
- Zero infections, death, stigma and discrimination from TB and HIV
- Work-related allergic respiratory disease and asthma in spice mill workers is associated with inhalant chilli pepper and garlic exposure
- Work-related infections – Part 1: risks of exposure to infectious agents in the workplace
- Exploring autopsy services for posthumous occupational lung disease compensation among mineworkers in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2014
- 0342 Lung cancer risk attributable to occupation:in a case control study in black South Africans, 2001-2008
- Challenges and research needs for risk assessment of pesticides for registration in Africa
- Challenges facing sterilization and depyrogenation of nanoparticles: effects on structural stability and biomedical applications
- Clinical guidelines on isoniazid preventive therapy for patients with silicosis in South Africa
- Detection of free-living amoebae using amoebal enrichment in a wastewater treatment plant of Gauteng Province, South Africa.
- Compensation for environmental asbestos-related diseases in South Africa: a neglected issue
- Disabled workers
- Health effects in populations living around the uraniferous gold mine tailings in South Africa: gaps and opportunities for research
- In vitro effect of n-acetylcysteine on hepatocyte injury caused by dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites
- Interlaboratory comparison study of the colony forming efficiency assay for assessing cytotoxicity of nanomaterials
- Infrastructure and facilities for human biobanking in low- and middle-income countries – a situational analysis
- Marikana autopsies highlight occupational diseases amongst platinum mine workers
- Noise-induced hearing loss and hearing conservation in the iron and steel industry in South Africa
- Racial comparison of receptor-defined breast cancer in Southern African women: Subtype prevalence and age-incidence analysis of nationwide cancer registry data.
- Size-dependent clearance of gold nanoparticles from lungs of sprague-dawley rats after short-term inhalation exposure
- Prostate cancer in South Africa: Pathology based national cancer registry data (1986-2006) and mortality rates (1997-2009)
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2015
- Corruption in the South African Health Sector
- Dissolution and Biodurability: Important Parameters Needed for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials
- Airborne Infection Control in Health Care Facilities: Effecting Change
- The Contribution of Emotional Partners to Sexual Risk Taking and Violence Among Female Sex Workers in Mombasa Kenya: A Cohort Study
- Dissolution and Biodurability: Important Parameters Needed for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials
- DNA Methylation Similarities in Genes of Black South Africans with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Systemic Sclerosis
- World Day For Decent Work
- Establishment of a cancer surveillance programme: The South African Experience
- Evaluation of the fate and pathological response in the lung and pleura of brake dust alone and in combination with added chrysolite compared to crocidolite asbestos following short term inhalation exposure
- Evaluation of the fate and pathological response in the lung and pleura of brake dust alone and in combination with added chrysolite compared to crocidolite asbestos following short term inhalation exposure
- Free-living amoeba isolated from a hospital water system in South Africa: A potential source of nosocomial and occupational infection
- Hazards identified and the need for health risk assessment in the South African mining industry
- Occupational and environmental health effects of nanomaterials
- HIV testing and burden of HIV infection in black cancer patients in Johannesburg, South Africa: A cross-sectional study
- High concentrations of natural rubber latex allergens in gloves used by laboratory health personnel in South Africa
- Nosocomial outbreak of New Delhi metallo-B-lactamase-1-producing Gram-negative bacterial in South Africa: A case-control study
- Occupational allergic rhinitis in a laboratory worker due to mould contamination in a water-damaged hospital building: Allergies in the workplace
- Pilot study to detect airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure in a South African public healthcare facility outpatient clinic
- Review of Occupational Health and Safety Organization in Expanding Economies: The Case of Southern Africa
- The prevalence of free-living amoeba in a South African hospital water distribution system
- South African National Cancer Registry: Effect of withheld data from private health systems on cancer incidence estimates
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2016
- Acknowledgements and appreciation on the occasion of remembering 60 years of the NIOH
- International Day Of Persons With Disabilities
- A cautionary approach in transitioning to \’green\’ energy technologies and practices is required
- A study of naturally mummified human tissue from Historic Cave, Limpopo, South Africa
- 10 keys for gender sensitive occupational safety and health practice – a brief overview
- 38 Years of Autopsy Findings in South African Mine Workers
- A study of naturally mummified human tissue from Historic Cave, Limpopo, South Africa
- Adsorption, uptake and distribution of gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna following long term exposure
- Antiretroviral therapy programme outcomes in Tshwane district, South Africa: A 5-year retrospective study
- NIOH Holds a Health and Safety Workshop for Construction Workers
- Approaches to Develop Alternative Testing Strategies to Inform Human Health Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials
- Asbestos remains troublesome in South Africa after the ban
- Cytotoxicity, intracellular localization and exocytosis of citrate capped and PEG functionalized gold nanoparticles in human hepatocyte and kidney cells
- Component resolved diagnosis as a tool for differentiating true latex allergy from clinically insignificant IgE sensitisation
- Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
- Classification of neck/shoulder pain in epidemiological research: A comparison of personal and occupational characteristics, disability and prognosis among 12195 workers in 18 countries
- Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
- Preserve the environment to boost development and provide jobs! world environment day – 5 June 2016
- Nanotoxicology at the NIOH and its relevance to particle toxicology and occupational health
- Improving the recording of clinical medicolegal findings in South Africa
- Protecting health workers from infectious disease transmission: an exploration of a Canadian-South African partnership of partnerships
- O28-1 Impact of an occupational health information system in a medical laboratory service in south africa
- International nurses day – May 12
- Reforming miners\’ lung disease compensation in South Africa- long overdue but what are the options?
- Relationship between Pesticide Metabolites, Cytokine Patterns, and Asthma-Related Outcomes in Rural Women Workers
- Reproductive health hazards in laboratory work
- Workplace health protection and promotion communication: current perspectives
- Systematic Review of Screening and Surveillance Programs to Protect Workers from Nanomaterials
- Increased time-to-pregnancy is associated with domestic work in South Africa
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2017
- Asbestos-related diseases in mineworkers: a clinicopathological study Author
- Autopsy findings in miners- a cause for concer
- Determinants of respirable quartz exposure in farming
- Development of international standard on nano-aerosol generation for inhalation toxicology study
- Distribution of cancer mortality rates by province in South Africa
- Emphysema In South African Miners At Autopsy, 1975-2014
- Health risk posed by enriched heavy metals (As, Cd, and Cr) in airborne particles from Witwatersrand gold tailings
- How dusty is a task?
- In Search of a Converging Cellular Mechanism in Nanotoxicology and Nanomedicine in the Treatment of Cancer
- Indoor Temperatures in Low Cost Housing in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Nudging for prevention in occupational health and safety in South Africa using fiscal policies
- Occupational health and safety in the Southern African development community
- Occupational tuberculosis in South Africa: are health care workers adequately protected?
- Post-operative transient hypoparathyroidism: Incidence and risk factors
- The Legacy of In Situ Asbestos Cement Roofs in South Africa
- Exposure to lead in South African shooting ranges
- Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980-2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
- The neglected burden of tuberculosis disease among health workers: a decade-long cohort study in South Africa
- Work-related infections – Part 2: Prevention and control strategies – Back to basics
- Quantitative respirator fit, face sizes, and determinants of fit in South African diagnostic laboratory respirator users
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2018
- Efficacy Assessment Of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Devices For Inactivating Airborne Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
- Is There A Relationship Between Lead Exposure And Aggressive Behavior In Shooters?
- Size Distribution Of Ultrafine Particles Generated From Residential Fixed-bed Coal Combustion In A Typical Brazier
- Translocation Of Silver Nanoparticles In The Ex Vivo Human Placenta Perfusion Model Characterized By Single Particle ICP-MS
- Size distribution of ultrafine particles generated from residential fixed-bed coal combustion in a typical brazier
- Drivers of international variation in prevalence of disabling low back pain: Findings from the cultural and psychosocial influences on disability study
- Concentrations of arsenic and lead in residential garden soil from four Johannesburg neighbourhoods
- Blood biochemical and hematological study after subacute intravenous injection of gold and silver nanoparticles and coadministered gold and silver nanoparticles of similar sizes
- An assessment of applicability existing approaches predicting bioaccumulation of conventional substances nanomaterials
- WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of occupational exposure to dusts and/ or fibres and of the effect of occupational exposure to dusts and/or on pneumoconiosis
- Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli levels on the hands of the theatre staff in three hospitals in Johannesburg, South Africa, before and after handwashing
- Occupational emphysema in South African miners at autopsy; 1975-2014
- Environmental and biological monitoring in the workplace: A 10-year South African retrospective analysis
- Economic evaluation of safety-engineered devices and training in reducing needlestick injuries among healthcare workers in South Africa
- Assessment of Biodurability of nanomaterials and their surface ligands series on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials
- Four Decades of pulmonary tuberculosis in deceased South African miners: trends and determinants
- Translocation of silver nanoparticles in the ex vivo human placenta perfusion model characterized by single particle ICP-MS
- Is there a relationship between lead exposure and aggressive behavior in shooters?
- Efficacy assessment of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) devices for inactivating airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- A comparison of the clinical presentation of HIV infected (HIVE) to uninfected (CP) children with spastic diplegia in South Africa
- Nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanomaterials and nanotoxicology in South Africa
- Prevalence of tobacco use in selected Johannesburg suburbs
- Tissue distribution of gold and silver after subacute intravenous injection of co-administered gold and silver nanoparticles of similar sizes
- The NIOH celebrates the first anniversary of its gender, Health and the world of work programme (Gender@Work)
- Infection control and tuberculosis in health care workers: an assessment of 28 hospitals in South Africa
- The Presence of Residual Gold Nanoparticles in Samples Interferes with the RT-qPCR assay used for gene expression profiling
- Household factors associated with self-harm in South African urban-poor households
- Quantitative Neuropathology Associated with Chronic Manganese Exposure in South African Mine Workers
- Systemic contact dermatitis: Occupational dermatitis caused by inhalation of metal dust (2 reports)
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2019
- Usefulness of occupation and industry information in mortality data in South Africa from 2006 to 2015
- Environmental silica dust exposure and pulmonary tuberculosis in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Chirality, a neglected physico-chemical property of nanomaterial? A mini-review on the occurrence and importance chirality on their toxicity
- African Herbal Remedies with Antioxidant Activity: A potential Resource Base for Wound Treatment
- Exploring the South African legacy of asbestos using routinely collected data
- Introducing a new standardized nanomaterial environmental toxicity screening testing procedure, ISO/TS 20787: Aquatic toxicity assessment of manufactured nanomaterials in saltwater lakes using Artemia sp. nauplii
- Environmental exposure to asbestos fibres before and after removing asbestos cement roofs from two townships in Gauteng
- Occupational contact urticarial and early-onset work-related asthma in a latex-allergic woodworker exposed to obeche wood
- Phirashaw Camay virtual asbestos library to be launched
- Platinum-salt sensation and occupational asthma in a non-platinum refinery worker
- Risk assessment of BTEX concentration from combustion of coal in a controlled laboratory environment
- Subradiological silicosis
- The significance of non-occupational asbestos exposure in women with mesothelioma
- Tuberculosis Mortality by Occupation in South Africa, 2011 – 2015
- Immunity to the Dual Threat of Silica Exposure and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Environmental health practitioners potentially play a key role in helping communities adapt to climate change
- Lobar evenness of deposition/ retention in rat lungs of inhaled silver nanoparticles: an approach for reducing animal use while maximizing endpoints
- Awareness of health and safety responsibilities among contract cleaning working
- Ambient PM10 and respirable dust levels near gold mine tailings storage facilities in South Africa
- Differences in uptake of 14nm PEG-liganded gold nanoparticles in BEAS-2B cells is dependent on their functional groups
- Tuberculosis mortality by occupation in South Africa
- Differences in uptake of 14nm PEG-liganded gold nanoparticles in BEAS-2B cells is dependent on their functional groups
- Ambient PM10 and Respirable Dust Levels Near Gold Mine Tailings Storage Facilities in South Africa
- Data resource profile: Cardiovascular H3Africa Innovation Resource (CHAIR)
- Environmental health practitioners potentially play a key role in helping communities adapt to climate change
- Lobar evenness of deposition/ retention in rat lungs of inhaled silver nano particles: an approach for reducing animal use while maximizing endpoints
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2020
- Mercury injection by an adult female
- Simultaneous analysis of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) in urine by headspace gas chromatography-flame ionisation detection (HS GC-FID)
- Hypertension and associated risk factors among informal waste pickers in Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Dissolution of citrate-stabilized, polyethylene glycol-coated carboxyl and amine-functionalized gold nanoparticles in simulated biological fluids and environmental media
- Can an InChI for Nano Address the Need for a Simplified Representation of Complex Nanomaterials across Experimental and Nanoinformatics Studies?
- An investigation of maternal anaemia among HIV infected pregnant women on antiretroviral treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Usefulness of component-resolved diagnosis in a suspected occupational allergy case
- Even lobar deposition of poorly soluble gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is similar to that of soluble silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
- Treatment outcomes and costs of a simplified antiviral treatment strategy for hepatitis C among monoinfected and HIV and/or hepatitis B virus-co-infected patients in Myanmar
- The toxicity of respirable South African mine tailings dust in relation to their physicochemical properties
- Intracellular and extracellular targets as mechanisms of cancer therapy by nanomaterials in relation to their physicochemical properties
- Unspoken victims: A national study of male rape incidents and police investigations in South Africa
- A Critical Review of the Status of Pesticide Exposure Management in Malawi
- An investigation of maternal anaemia among HIV infected pregnant women on antiretroviral treatment in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Dwelling characteristics influence indoor temperature and may pose health threats in LMICs
- Lead exposure in the home environment: An overview of risks from cottage industries in Africa
- An outbreak of cutaneous abscesses caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidinproducing methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus among gold mine workers, South Africa, November 2017 to March 2018
- Empowering health workers to protect their own health: A Study of enabling factors and barriers to implementing HealthWISE in Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe
- Effect of long-term exposure to Silver nanoparticles on blood coagulation in Vivo
- Exploration of modern chromatographic methods coupled to mass spectrometric techniques for trace element and chemical composition analyses in the leaf extracts of Kigelia africana
- Health care access of informal waste recyclers in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Interference: A much-neglected aspect in high-throughput screening of nanoparticles
- Vascular function and cardiovascular risk in a HIV infected and HIV free cohort of African ancestry: baseline profile, rationale and methods of the longitudinal EndoAfrica-NWU study
- Current approaches and techniques in physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling of nanomaterials
- Risk perception and its influencing factors among construction workers in Malawi
- Prevalence of hookah pipe smoking in high-school learners in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Study protocol to examine the relationship between environmental exposure to lead and blood lead levels among children from day-care centres in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
- Work related musculoskeletal pain in golf caddies—Johannesburg, South Africa
- Transcriptomics in toxicogenomics, Part II: Preprocessing and differential expression analysis for high quality data
- Knowledge, attitude and practices of environmental health practitioners conducting food-borne disease outbreak investigation at a local municipality in Gauteng province, South Africa
- In vitro systems for studying different genotypes/sub-genotypes of Hepatitis B virus: Strengths and limitations
- Transcriptomics in Toxicogenomics, Part III: Data modelling for risk assessment
- Transcriptomics in Toxicogenomics, Part I: Experimental design, technologies, publicly available data, and regulatory aspects
- Respiratory health in a community living in close proximity to gold mine waste dumps, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Regional patterns and association between obesity and hypertension in Africa: Evidence from the H3Africa CHAIR study
- Illness, self-rated health and access to medical care among waste pickers in landfill sites in Johannesburg, South Africa
- NanoSolveIT Project: Driving nanoinformatics research to develop innovative and integrated tools for in silico nanosafety assessment
- Trends in suicide mortality in South Africa, 1997 to 2016
- Excess mortality due to external causes in women in the South African mining industry: 2013-2015
- Associations of sickness absence for pain in the low back, neck and shoulders with wider propensity to pain
- Occupational tuberculosis among laboratory workers in South Africa: Applying a surveillance system to strengthen prevention and control
- Toward rigorous materials production: New approach methodologies have extensive potential to improve current safety assessment practices
- Mode of silver clearance following 28‑day inhalation exposure to silver nanoparticles determined from lung burden assessment including post‑exposure observation periods
- Respiratory health in a community living in close proximity to gold mine waste dumps, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Workplace-based organizational interventions promoting mental health and happiness among healthcare workers: A realist review
- Occupational tuberculosis among laboratory workers in South Africa: Applying a surveillance system to strengthen prevention and control
- Evaluation of phytochemicals, antioxidants, trace elements in Kigelia africana fruit extracts and chemical profiling analysis using UHPLC-qTOF-MS2 Spectrometry
- Determinants of international variation in the prevalence of disabling wrist and hand pain
- Associations of sickness absence for pain in the low back, neck and shoulders with wider propensity to pain
- Regional patterns and association between obesity and hypertension in Africa: Evidence from the H3Africa CHAIR study
- NanoSolveIT Project: Driving nanoinformatics research to develop innovative and integrated tools for in silico nanosafety assessment
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2021
- HIV and TB Workplace Program for Street Vendors: A Situational Analysis
- Using the Isalos Platform to Develop a (Q)SAR Model that Predicts Metal Oxide Toxicity Utilizing Facet Based Electronic, Image Analysis Based, and Periodic Table Derived Properties as Descriptors
- The Use of HRM Shifts in qPCR to Investigate a Much Neglected Aspect of Interference by Intracellular Nanoparticles
- Methods, Models, Mechanisms and Metadata: Introducing the Nanotoxicology Collection at F1000Research
- Men and Women Waste Pickers on Landfills in Johannesburg, South Africa: Divergence in Health, and Socioeconomic Status
- Characterizing Inflammatory Cell Asthma Associated Phenotypes in Dental Health Workers Using Cytokine Profiling
- Asthma Phenotypes and Host Risk Factors Associated With Various Asthma-Related Outcomes in Health Workers
- Organizational Factors Associated with Health Worker Protection During the COVID- 19 Pandemic In Four Provinces of South Africa
- Occupational Risk of Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis Exposure: A Situational Analysis in a Three-Tier Public Healthcare System in South Africa
- Study Protocol to Determine Association between Environmental Triggers and Asthma among Children in King Williams Town
- Safe By Design (SbD) And Nanotechnology: A Much-Discussed Topic With A Prudence?
- Issues and Challenges in the Application of the IEUBK Model in the Health Risk Assessment of Lead: A Case Study from Blantyre Malawi
- Importance of Surface Topography in Both Biological Activity and Catalysis of Nanomaterials: Can Catalysis by Design Guide Safe by Design?
- “Commodification of biomaterials and data when funding is contingent to transfer in biobank research.”
- National Covid-19 hospital admissions and mortality among healthcare workers in South Africa, 2020-2021
- Ten‑year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease and its association with metabolic risk factors among waste pickers in South Africa
- A review of metal levels in urban dust, their methods of determination, and risk assessment
- Impact of level five lockdown on the incidence of COVID-19: lessons learned from South Africa
- Compliance testing and homogenous exposure group assessment in the South African coal mining industry
- Pet groomer’s occupational exposures: An under-researched group of workers in a growing pet-care industry
- The association between silica exposure, silicosis and tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Green synthesis of nanoparticles and their antimicrobial efficacy against drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- A novel nano therapeutic using convalescent plasma derived exosomal (CPExo) for COVID-19: A combined hyperactive immune modulation and diagnostics
- Risk factors for problematic alcohol use among male waste pickers and caddies in Johannesburg, South Africa: A cross-sectional study
- Prevalence of common mental disorders and associated factors among golf course workers in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Exercise, CaMKII, and Type 2 Diabetes
- Gut microbiota-mediated pesticide toxicity in humans: Methodological issues and challenges in risk assessment of pesticides
- A health worker knowledge, attitudes and practices survey of SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention and control in South Africa
- Vulnerable Workers and COVID-19: Insights from a Survey of Members of the International Commission for Occupational Health
- Living conditions and respiratory health in Walmer Township and Wells Estate, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
- Lung retention and particokinetics of silver and gold nanoparticles in rats following subacute inhalation co-exposure
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2022
- The association between the histological subtypes of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure characteristics
- Access to HIV healthcare services by farm workers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): a systematic review protocol
- Occupational skin disease associated with personal protective equipment: A case series
- Occupational health and safety
- Understanding chirality and its role in drug discovery research
- Effectiveness of low-cost UVGI chamber for decontaminating filtering facepiece respirators to extend reuse
- Phenotypic and genotypic profiling reveals a high prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from hospitals, houseflies and adjacent informal food retailers in Botswana
- In vitro toxicity and internalization of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) cells and the human skin keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells
- Impacts of economic inequality on healthcare worker safety at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional analysis of a global survey
- Targeted proteomics identifies potential biomarkers of dysglycaemia, beta cell function and insulin sensitivity in black African men and women
- A Mixed-Methods Study of Risk Factors and Experiences of Health Care Workers Tested for the Novel Coronavirus in Canada
- Ethical Considerations for Health Research Data Governance
- Environmental Toxicology of Nanomaterials: Advances and Challenges
- Editorial: Occupational exposure to nanomaterials
- COVID-19 hospital admissions and mortality among healthcare workers in South Africa, 2020-2021
- Lung Dosimetry Modeling in Nanotoxicology: A Critical Analysis of the State of the Art
- Physical Behaviors and Their Association with Adiposity in Men and Women From a Low-Resourced African Setting
- Psychological Distress in South African Healthcare Workers Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Associations and Mitigating Factors
- Physical behaviors and their association with type 2 diabetes mellitus risk markers in urban South African middle-aged adults: an isotemporal substitution approach
- Impact of the macro-environment on the reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses by low-income workers compared to middle-income workers in South Africa: a mixed-methods study protocol
- Water quality challenges in buildings during prolonged low or no occupancy: a cause for concern during COVID-19 lockdowns and related building closures
- Assessment of Anti-Bacterial Effectiveness of Hand Sanitizers Commonly Used in South Africa
- : Physical Activity Behaviours of a Middle-aged South African Cohort as Determined by Integrated Hip and Thigh Accelerometry
- Contact Dermatitis in a Cosmetologist and the Ramification of Occupational and Non-Occupational Exposures in Disease Prognosis
- Priorities in Biobanking Research: A Report on the 2021 ISBER Round Table
- Exposure Assessment of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Generated During the Synthesis Process in a South African Research Laboratory
- Mechanisms facilitating the uptake of carboxyl–polythene glycol-functionalized gold nanoparticles into multicellular spheroids
- Dissolution Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticles: Behaviour in Simulated Biological Fluids and Synthetic Environmental Media
- Disease Severity and Comorbidities among Healthcare Worker COVID-19 Admissions in South Africa: A Retrospective Analysis
- The Utility of Length of Mining Service and Latency in Predicting Silicosis among Claimants to a Compensation Trust
- An overview of the National Biobank of the National Health Laboratory Service: a South African national treasure for biological resources
- Work‐Related Allergy and Asthma Associated with Cleaning Agents in Health Workers in Southern African Tertiary Hospitals
- Occupational Rhinitis and Asthma Due To Lentil and Split Pea Allergy in a Food Handler
- Assessment of Quality of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers Used in Johannesburg Area During the CoViD‐19 Pandemic
- Challenges and Opportunities in Ensuring Ethical Research in Africa
- Association Between Bone Lead Concentration and Aggression in Youth from a Sub-Cohort of the Birth to Twenty Cohort
- A Systematic Review on the Effects of Nanomaterials on Gut Microbiota
- Exercise Increases the Expression of Glucose Transport and Lipid Metabolism Genes at Optimum Level Time Point 6h Post-Exercise in Rat Skeletal Muscle
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2023
- The knowns and unknowns of chemically induced lower respiratory tract microbiota dysbiosis and lung disease
- Allergic contact hand dermatitis due to constituents of nitrile gloves
- Systematizing information use to address determinants of health worker health in South Africa: A cross-sectional mixed method study
- Navigating the complexities of mould exposure in damp building: A case report on challenges and potential solution
- Health risk assessment of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 –bound metal (loid)s in three residential areas downwind of an active ferromanganese smelter
- Wind-driven roof turbines’ effectiveness in enhancing household ventilation: A potential tool to reduce tuberculosis infection
- Diabetes mellitus mortality by major occupation category in South Africa, 2009—2016Chitaka
- Provision of HIV prevention and care services to farmworkers in sub-Saharan African countries
- A new tool for evaluating health equity in academic journals; the Diversity Factor
- Chirality in nanomaterials occurrence, methods of determination and biochemical significance
- Sociodemographic and environmental factors associated with diarrhoeal illness in children under 5 years in Uganda, 2016: a crosssectional study
- The prevalences and levels of occupational exposure to dusts and/or fibres (silica, asbestos and coal): A systematic review and meta-analysis from the WHO/ILO joint estimates of the work-related burden of disease and injury
- Contribution of wastewater to antimicrobial resistance: A review article
- House-dust mites: Challenges with establishing causal associations in occupational health for ubiquitous agents- A retrospective study
- Multivariate analyses of selected trace elements from Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. plant by ICP-OES: A chemometrics approach
- New global indicator for workers’ health: mortality rate from diseases attributable to selected occupational risk factors
- House-dust mites: Challenges with establishing causal associations in occupational health for ubiquitous agents- a retrospective study
- Hairdressers in Johannesburg: knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding occupational health
- Managing the risks of an asbestos bulk storage facility at a research institute
- Occupational bioaerosol exposures associated with poultry farming
- An ancestral molecular response to nanomaterial particulates
- Control strategies for domestic cockroach (B. germanica, B. orintalis and P. Americana) pests: A scoping review
- Saponins of North Atlantic sea cucumber: chemistry, health benefits, and future prospective
- Strengthening Occupational Health Systems in the Post-Covid-19 and the State of Disaster era in South Africa: Strategies for the Road Ahead
- Protecting Healthcare Workers during a Pandemic: What Can a WHO Collaborating Centre Research Partnership Contribute?
- Occupational Lung Diseases in South African Miners at Autopsy: 2020 Surveillance Report
- Mechanisms Facilitating the Uptake of Carboxyl–polythene Glycol-functionalized Gold Nanoparticles into Multicellular Spheroids
- A Gene Regulation Model Reveals an Ancestral Adaptation Response to Particulate Exposure Triggered by Nanomaterials
- Work-related Adult-onset Atopic Dermatitis: Two Illustrative Case Reports
- Renewed Focus on Re-emerging Occupational Biohazards
- Potential Exposure to Respiratory and Enteric Bacterial Pathogens among Wastewater Treatment Plant Workers, South Africa
- Factors Associated with TB Screening Among Agricultural Workers in Limpopo Province, South Africa
- Exposure Characterization of Wood Dust Particulate, Endotoxins, and (1-3) –β-ꓓ-Glucans, and Their Determinants in Mozambiquan Wood Processing Workers
- Occupational and Environmental Chemical Risk Assessment in a Changing Climate: A Critical Analysis of the Current Discourse and Future Perspectives †
- Category: Scientific Publications – 2024
- The role of chemistry in the management of self-harm and suicides by hazardous chemicals
- Sturctural barriers and facilitators to accessing HIV services for marginalized working populations: Insights from farm workers in South Africa
- Indoor radon exposure: A systematic review of radon-induced health risks and evidence quality using GRADE approach
- Preventing occupational injuries in the informal construction industry: A study protocol for the development of a safety education intervention for bricklayers and carpenters in Osun State, Nigeria
- Inhalation exposure to chemicals, microbiota dysbiosis and adverse effects on humans
- Indoor/outdoor particulate matter (respirable dust) and respirable crystalline silica source tracking in households located proximal to gold mine tailings in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: Impact of secondary exposure to pigeon antigens from residential small-scale animal husbandry
- A scoping review of occupational biological exposures among horse grooms: a neglected group of workers in a thriving horse-racing industry
- Is “small” safe? Exploring the good and bad of nanomaterials
- Prevalence of needle stick and sharps injuries and associated factors among nursing students in Gauteng province, South Africa
- Unravelling the toxicity of carbon nanomaterials – From cellular interactions to mechanistic understanding
- Unintended consequences of urban expansion and gold mining: Elevated indoor radon levels in Gauteng communities’ neighboring gold mine tailings
- Short-term vs. long-term: A critical review of indoor radon measurement techniques
- Occupational health barriers in South Africa: A call for Ubuntu
- Exploring the feasibility of occupational allergy surveillance using routine public-health data: A retrospective analysis
- The prevalence and distribution of domiciliary cockroaches in rural areas: A cross-sectional study design in Limpopo Province.
- Prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms among cement factory workers in Gauteng Province, South Africa
- Radon exposure risks among residents proximal to gold mine tailings in Gauteng Province, South Africa: a cross-sectional preliminary study protocol
- The non-use of aluminum oxide for silicosis prophylaxis in South African mines
- Benefit sharing in international collaborative health research: The context of South African biobanks
- Immunotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials and their role in asthma
- Release and health outcomes of exposure to chalk particles in classrooms: a systematic literature review
- Broad consent for biobank research in South Africa – Towards an enabling ethico-legal framework
- Category: Topical Issues
- Prof Mary Gulumian honoured at international ceremony
- Category: Topical Issues - 2010
- World cancer day
- Risk assessment training courses for provincial health departments
- Focus on track c: silicosis elimination awareness for persons affected by mining operations in South Africa. (SIM 030603)
- Silica dust exposure – data collection
- A guide for 2010 Fifa world cup visitors To South Africa
- Factory inspector training course
- Nanotoxicology and risk assessment of nanomaterials as a priority strategic thrust for the NIOH
- Heart and lungs removal awareness campaign live on air
- Vuvuzela: good for your team bad for your ears
- Compensation systems for occupational diseases
- Respirable quartz dust analysis by xrd or ftir
- UJ student visits to the NIOH
- The NIOH hosts an international course – WHO modules in occupational health
- What is biological monitoring information for managers
- International visitors to the pathology division
- Asbestos in soils around Soweto
- The legacy of asbestos
- Maintaining acceptable indoor air quality during construction or renovation projects
- Ethics in occupational health & safety
- Category: Topical Issues - 2011
- NHLS develops new strategies to fight HIV/AIDS
- World aids day – zero new infections!
- UN general assembly political declaration On NCD’s
- Legislation ushers South Africa into a new era for cancer registration
- World malaria day
- Preventing a billion deaths: world no-tobacco day, May 31
- New initiative for NIOH: gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)
- World head injury awareness day
- Category: Topical Issues - 2012
- SA scientists lead the way in Aids research
- New Aids study
- Breast cancer – let’s prevent together!
- World mental health day
- Pathaut report – 2011 available for download
- 31 May is world no tobacco day – support a smoke free SA
- World TB day: 300 000 tests performed
- World cancer day 2012: Together we can!
- Category: Topical Issues - 2013
- Academy Of Science South Africa – ASSAF Questionnaire
- Influenza: frequently asked questions
- Health minister appoints ministerial advisory committee on the prevention and control of cancer in South Africa (16/04/2013)
- Traumatic brain injury (head Injuries)- world head injury awareness
- Excerpt from the state of the nation address regarding health care
- Battling cancer with biotechnology – cuba takes the lead
- 1 In 2 countries unprepared to prevent and manage cancers, says WHO survey
- United States Government announces $11 Million in additional support for rapid Tb test in 14 countries
- World malaria day
- Category: Topical Issues - 2014
- Category: Topical Issues - 2015
- World antibiotics awareness week
- National nutrition week 2015 – healthy eating in the workplace
- Centres for disease control and prevention to be set up in Africa
- Mental health awareness month
- NIOH research day 2015
- Address by NHLS CEO, Ms Joyce Mogale – at NIOH’s research day
- MERS in Korea – middle east respiratory syndrome
- NIOH contributes to the NHLS inaugural pathology research and development (PathRed) congress
- Influenza vaccine availability for the 2015 influenza season
- Clinical management of patients with ebola virus disease
- Key facts on TB in South Africa
- NHLS recognised globally for quality
- Category: Topical Issues - 2016
- Address by Mrs Joyce Mogale, NHLS ceo at launch of the NIOH gender, health and the world of work
- International day for the elimination of violence against women
- NAPHISA – the fight against a quadruple burden of disease
- Enter and track essential occupational health indicators with OHASIS
- New resource tool – OH&S Participant Action Research (PAR) methodology
- International Worker’s Day – 1 May 2016
- Impact of climate change on occupational allergies and infectious diseases
- The NIOH launches a gender, health and the world of work programme
- A Concept Paper on Occupational Health And Safety (OHS) For South Africa
- World day for safety and health – 28 April 2016
- World tuberculosis day, 2016
- International women’s day – 8 March 2016
- The NIOH – Looking to promote a culture of sustainable prevention in occupational health and safety
- Columbian businessman diagnosed with zika virus infection
- Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreaks: situation update, 17 February 2016
- Category: Topical Issues - 2017
- Moulds in the workplace – fungal disease awareness week: 14-18 August
- A report on asbestos in gauteng schools
- NIOH holds occupational health, safety and wellness for street waste pickers
- TB, occupational illnesses still killing SA’s workers
- World day for health and safety in the workplace
- CSIR and NHLS join forces: building a national resource for increasing quality of pathology service in South Africa
- Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa address during the: launch of the 2016 International Aids Conference: Johannesburg – 27 October 2014
- The secret weapon against malaria?
- World TB day 2017
- SA commemorates human rights day
- Resolution on pneumoconioses adopted by participants in Johannesburg at the “international training workshop on the prevention of pneumoconioses”
- Severe acute respiratory infections associated with a novel coronavirus, Emc 2012
- NIOH part of a team advising the Government of Mauritius on how to implement Asbestos regulations
- Category: Topical Issues - 2018
- NIOH research day
- NIOH & ICOH participates in the United Nations general assembly meeting on tuberculosis (TB) on september 26, 2018 in New York City
- NIOH Research Day
- NIOH & ICOH participates in the United Nations General Assembly Meeting on Tuberculosis (TB) on September 26, 2018 in New York City
- NIOH & ICOH participates in the United Nations general assembly meeting on tuberculosis (TB) on September 26, 2018 in New York City
- World fingal disease week word puzzle
- World Fingal Disease Week Word Puzzle
- World fungal disease week word puzzle
- Fungal disease awareness week
- Fungal Disease Awareness Week
- Fungal disease awareness week
- Women in mining
- Remembering a warrior for social justice
- World environment day – beat plastic pollution
- Statement from ILO director-general, Guy Ryder – world environment day
- Seminar on new approaches to occupational health and safety in the informal economy and extractives industry
- Dr Sophia Kisting awarded UCT president of convocation medal
- Category: Topical Issues - 2019
- Press Release – NIOH pilots new national surveillance project
- World Mental Health Month – October 2019
- Lead Poisoning Awareness Week (20 – 26 October 2019)
- Climate Reality Project
- Fungal Disease Awareness Week – 23-27 September 2019
- Legionella Awareness Day 30th August 2019
- August the NIOH hosted an Ethics in Occupational Health and Safety
- Working Conditions and Health Outcomes of Caddies Working in Golf Courses in the City of Johannesburg
- Support for the Universal Labour Guarantee – Fundamental Workers’ Rights
- Focus on: World Environment Day
- World Hand Hygiene Day – Clean Your Hands and Save Lives
- Focus on: Health & Safety at Work
- 28 April – World day for safety and health at work
- World Allergy Week 22-28 April 2019
- World TB Day 2019 – “It’s Time
- NIOH joins hands with HOSPERSA
- Category: Topical Issues – 2020
- Category: Topical Issues – 2021
- Category: Topical Issues – 2022
- Category: Uncategorised
- COVID-19 Training Powerpoint Presentation
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2016
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2015
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2014
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2013
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2012
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2011
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2010
- National Occupational Mortality Surveillance South Africa 2009
- Category: What's New
WP Terms Popup
- Ms Asanda Jekwa
- Prof. Rees
- Ms Cynthia Dintwe
- Ms Melissa Vetten
- Ms Zubaydah Kirsten
- National Department of Health
- Ms Dineketso Magagula
- Q: I don’t want the vaccine. Do I have to have it?
- Q: I have had COVID. This means that I am immune and don’t need the vaccine?
- Q: How do I know if the vaccine has worked?
- Q: What is “herd immunity”?
- Q: Is the vaccine effective for children and for individuals >65 years?
- Q: Some people have suggested that you can “mix and match” vaccines. Is this true?
- Q: How long will the vaccine protection last?
- Q: What information should I tell the person who is vaccinating me?
- Q: Does medication interfere with the vaccines?
- Q: Is it safe for a pregnant woman to take the vaccine?
- Q: Is it true that individuals may get clots following the vaccine?
- Q: Are there side-effects to the vaccines?
- Q: Will the RNA vaccine change my genetic makeup?
- 22. On the positive test case data report, where foreign nationals are employed, should Passport Number be used instead of SA National ID?
- 21. If the CSV templates are different from our business excel spreadsheets, can we still submit our business spreadsheets?
- 20. How do we figure out which Job titles fall under the 8 job categories in the registration page?
- 19. Where can we find the templates for reporting data?
- 18. Do we submit data collected from March 2020?
- 17. Should contractors be included as "employees" for the purposes of reporting?
- 16. On the templates, do we add data on the same spreadsheet or each submission would require a new spreadsheet?
- 15. If there are no employees with symptoms or positive COVID-19 cases- do we still submit information.
- 14. Is the submission of employee data in line with POPI Act, will we be protected if an employee decides to sue for sharing his data?
- 13. Could you please identify the implication of POPI on the business when they submit personal information?
- 12. If a business has multiple branches, do these branches register individually as well?
- 11. Will the NIOH and the DOH publish reports for the public to see what the reporting trends are for sectors and geographical locations so that employers can at least also benefit from the information that Government is collecting and analysing? If so, where would such reports be published?
- 10. Do the reporting requirements apply to the Mining Sector as the Minister of Minerals issued his own Direction on H&S Requirements?
- 9. If we start using CSV to report, can we later change the reporting method or must we stick to the one we have chosen from the start?
- 8. If