The National Health Laboratory Service’s (NHLS) Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH), is recognised internationally for excellence in research, services and training to support occupational health services not only in South Africa but also in Southern Africa through its extensive outreach activities and collaborations.
The NIOH provides cost effective occupational health services to national and provincial government departments as well as support for occupational health and safety inside the NHLS. This support work has included advice to regulatory authorities, employers, unions and individual employees.
The Wits School of Public Health, in association with the National Institute for Occupational Health, offers a Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) over two years part-time. The diploma is for medical doctors in possession of a MBChB, MBBCh or equivalent.
The epidemiology and surveillance unit provides training on a well recognised data analysis software package STATA (stata corp). STATA is increasingly used in academic settings and those areas where flexibility in analysis is necessary.
The Wits School of Public Health, in association with the National Institute for Occupational Health, offers a Diploma and Masters degree in Occupational Hygiene over two or three part time years with a new intake of students every second year.
Preliminary Findings on the Presence of Respiratory & Enteric Pathogens in Wastewater
Validation of a method for the routine determination of Zinc in urine by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Qualitative & Quantitative Characterisation of Arsenic‐binding Peptides by LC‐ESI‐MS for the Development of POC device for SA Mines
Impact of COVID‐19 Lockdown Restrictions on Suspected Suicide Prevalence at the JHB Forensic Pathology Services Medico‐legal Mortuary
How far are we in Ending the Legacy of Asbestos?
Exercise Increases Expression of Glucose Transport & Lipid Metabolism Genes, 6h Post Exercise in Rat Skeletal Muscle
Gold Nanoparticles (AuNP) Uptake and Toxicity in Representative Cells
Comparison of Amended OEL‐MLs in the Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents with International limits