Fact Sheets & Resources

To obtain easy-to-read, question-and-answer fact sheets covering a wide range of workplace health and safety topics, click on one of the fact sheet topics on the menu to your left.

In addition, a complete list of all Information Resources issued by NIOH is available below. All files are print ready, available in PDF format and can be used for awareness and education purposes.

Target Audience

NIOH Fact Sheets and Information Resources are written for workers, managers, supervisors, and joint health and safety committee members who are the “end users” of the information in the workplace. In addition, employers, policy makers, family members, people living near workplaces, students, and the general public will find these Resources to be useful sources of workplace health and safety information.


Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information, NIOH does not guarantee, warrant, represent or undertake that the information provided is correct, accurate or current. NIOH is not liable for any loss, claim, or demand arising directly or indirectly from any use or reliance upon the information.


NIOH-prepared material in terms of Fact Sheets and Resources is protected by copyright. NIOH encourages the widest distribution of its material. NIOH should be acknowledged in any non-commercial reproduction of this material by any means and in any form, in whole or in part. For information about permission to reproduce NIOH material for purposes of resale or any commercial redistribution, please use the NIOH Query Handling Service.